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"Son of a—!"

Yoohan couldn't help but cursed under his breath when he opened the suspicious box in his hand. He slammed the lid close with such intensity that Hansoo looked over curiously.

"What's wrong, Taemin-hyung?"


Yoohan inhaled slowly, maintaining his poker face. He looked at the box with a frown again. It was hand-delivered through chief Park earlier, and Yoohan had no idea which was crazier—the content of the box or the fact that Yoon Jay used his subordinate to give it to Yoohan.

"This crazy bastard..." Yoohan chucked the box inside his bag. The box itself was not big, only a little bigger than his palm. It was the content that disturbing. Yoohan pondered for a while, thinking about whether or not he could cheat on their agreement.

"Wear whatever I give you that day." Is what Yoon Jay requested for his birthday gift. Just for the record, Yoohan never asked Jay to request something—the man just suddenly demanded on one peaceful morning when Yoohan was still too sleepy to process the implication of him saying okay.

The implication was now arrived in front of him inside that box. Just as Yoohan had suspiciously thought, "wear whatever" would never refer to a clothing. And the fact that the box arrived just after Yoohan finished his class could only meant that Jay wanted him to use it now. But must he? He could just put it once he arrived at the apartment. Surely Jay wouldn't notice, right—?


Yoohan flinched at the vibration coming from the phone. Is this man really a mind reader or something? Was he actually a psychic?

[Don't cheat. I will check.]


[I can help you put it if you like.]

Yoohan use some breathing exercise to calm himself. Fine. This is nothing. He'd just get back as quickly as possible to avoid any mishaps. Yoohan steeled himself and headed into the bathroom with his bag.

He briskly went into the bathroom in the corner of the fourth floor where people rarely visit because of some spooky rumor and superstition. Fortunately, it was empty. He went inside one of the stall and lock the door carefully.

How did he supposed to use this thing anyway? Yoohan lamented as he opened the box, musing over the thing shaped like two connected small eggs. He took a deep breath and pulled down his pants.

Let's just get this over with.

He squeeze the small package of lube that Jay had 'kindly' included inside the box into his palm. The cold and slimy feeling made him flinch. It wasn't like he never used it before, but the thought of using it on himself made Yoohan shuddered. Had he ever prepared himself before? Yes. Had he ever did it sober? Never.

The slimy, rather fragrant fluid slid down his finger, and Yoohan reluctantly brought his hands down before the material dripped wastefully into the floor. He rubbed his rim and pushed a finger inside. Yoohan sighed at the way he opened up so easily, a proof of how thorough Jay was in training his body.

Thanks to that, it didn't take a long time for Yoohan to prepare. It wasn't as if the egg-shaped thingy was bigger then Jay's. Moreover, it felt weird fingering himself, so Yoohan didn't want to do it for long. It didn't feel as arousing as he thought it would be, unlike how it was implied on the porns—not like Yoohan ever see them, no!

Yoohan even started to wonder how Jay could make him feel good that way. Was his hands magic or something? He squeezed the remaining lube on Jay's 'gift' before pushing it inside.

Payback: Revenge is a Dish Best Served on One's BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now