A New Type(Chapter 7)

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Everyone was exhausted the next morning, they were on edge the entire night and once they finally got back to the noodle shop it was four in the morning. Mk fell asleep as soon as he reached his bed, Redson had joined him after fifteen minutes of talking to Mei. Wukong and Macaque fell asleep together in the corner of the room, their tails tethered together and Macaque's scarf shoved on his partner's mouth to keep him quiet. Mei fell asleep on one of the tables and DBK was used as a mattress for PIF. Sandy had fallen asleep in his car. Everyone was asleep except Tang and Pigsy.

Tang was sipping on a cup of coffee while Pigsy was sitting next to him, fiddling his thumbs. Neither of them made eye contact with each other. "Crazy night, huh?" Pigsy said but he earned no response. "Tang look, I don't know what to tell you, I can't explain to you how sorry I am..." He places his hand over Tang's looking at him but the other didn't look back. "I know...but I can't help but be angry." He said gripping his mug, "I hate being angry at you Pigsy" He finally looked at him, frowning, he looked like he was about to cry. Pigsy took off his glasses and set them on the counter, he then rested his hand on the side of his cheek, bringing him into a kiss. "I know..." Pigsy got up, leaving Tang at the counter. No more words could be exchanged at the moment, at least ones that could better their relationship. Pigsy got to the staircase when he turned around to look at everyone sleeping in the room, Tang was watching him leave but as soon as Pigsy looked at him, he turned his head away. 

Tang quietly turned on the TV, lowering the volume to not wake the others. He took another sip of his coffee as he put his glasses back on. He needed to see how much effect they had on the city, but even with the coffee, he was only able to catch only bits and pieces of what the reporter was saying before passing out on the counter.

When the afternoon came around, people finally started to wake up. First was Wukong, he moved carefully out of the corner to not wake his partner. He looked around the room counting everyone in the room. He noticed some were missing so he walked upstairs to look for the rest. He turned right to check for pigsy in his room and found him under the blanket and pillow taking Tang's place.  He closed the door and headed for Mk's room, he opened the door to see Redson spooning Mk, "Ugh...who sleeps with the enemy.." He whispered to himself, "First, You do. And Second, we aren't enemies anymore." Wukong nearly jumped out of his fur once he heard PIF's voice behind him. "Holy- Good morning Princess"

"Morning Wukong- Uh...What happened to your hair?" Wukong closed the door and patted his head, first it started with a soft pat which turned aggressive once he realize his hair was no longer there. The King must have overused his ability to help multiply supplies last night, which resulted in him being bald.

"Oh, uhm I...My wig fell off?..." Both of them stared at each other in confusion... "I gotta go, nice talking to you!..." The monkey dashed down the hall and straight out of the shop, summoning his cloud to take him home. The princess just shook her head before opening the door and peeking in. She had to admit, it was cute seeing them together. She smiled then closed the door, she went back downstairs seeing Sandy was awake, holding Macaque wrapped like a burrito in a blanket, holding him bride style, his scarf was on a table. Once the Princess and the blue dork made eye contact, he explained why he was in a blanket."I saw Mr. Monkey King was gone and Macaque said that he was cold, so I brought in a blanket but he kept moving and pushing it off." Macaque, who looked like he died with his eyes open, didn't even fight back. He was too sleepy to yell at Sandy to put him down. "Where did Monkey King go?..." Mei asked, who was also awake. "He went home, I think he'll be back," PIF said. A low chuckle came from Macaque as he remembered seeing him bald before going limbless again. Sandy and Mei gave him a confused looked, "Ohhh, you must have seen him bald too." PIF giggled "MONKEY KING IS BALD?" Mei yelled, now fully awake, "AND I MISSED IT!?"  Luckily everyone downstairs was awake, except Tang but he seemed to be a strong sleeper. DBK was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, he peeked out to look at the group talking. "Before he left he said his wig fell off." Macaque started to laugh controllably then rested back in Sandy's arm once he calmed down.

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