Awake and Missing(Chapter 11)

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It was late at night, around midnight. Everyone was dead asleep in the house, Pigsy and Tang shared a spare room and Sandy agreed to sleep on the couch. Even though everyone else was asleep, Mk wasn't. He had woken up just as everyone else went to sleep.

He glanced around the room confusingly as to where he was. He sat up in the bed, still weak and in pain, but not intense like before. Even in the dark, he could still make out objects, like the plate of crackers and bread next to him.  He wasn't hungry but Mk knew better that he needed this. He reached over to the plate of food, arm tired and shaking. It was like he had almost forgotten to use his body parts.

The sound of the door opening made him jerk and pull his arm back. First, long hair was barely visible, and then an arm. Mk thought he was having a nightmare, he took the muffin balls and crackers off the plate and carefully picked them up to not make a sound. He got ready to aim it at the person coming threw the door. Sudden the lights were turned on and nearly blinded the monkie kid, he blindly threw the plate at the door. But there was no crash, he assumed that the monster had caught it. 

Once Mk's eye adjusted to the light he saw Redson standing there holding the plate, his hair down and in PJs. "Oh!- Hi, I thought you were a bad guy." Redson didn't respond, he stared at Mk, unable to process the fact that he was now awake. He lowered it to the ground and quietly placed the plate on the floor. He was then dashed over to Mk embracing him into a hug. "Whoa-"  There was a chuckle from the infected boy, then hugged him back. "You're awake...You're okay!" Redson said into his chest, her words muffled but still audible. "How long was I passed out for?..." 

"Nearly the entire day, stupid noodle boy! Why are you up so late at night anyway?"

"How late is it?"

"12:21" Redson sat down on the bed, still mindful of Mk's space. "Then what are you doing up?!" His face heated up, "Well, I couldn't sleep because I was too worried" He turned his head away in embarrassment. "Now you answer my question!" He exclaimed, "Well, I just woke up and I wanted to eat something..." Redson looked at the muffin balls and crackers that lay on the nightstand instead of the plate. Some were on the floor from when he ran over to hug Mk. He must have knocked the nightstand by accident. "This won't be enough, I'll clean up the food on the floor and make you some more." He was about to get up but he was stopped by Mk grabbing onto his arm. "Please...don't leave. This can wait..." 

"But you need..."

"Lay with me Redson. Please?"

He couldn't fight the look that Mk was giving him. He let go of their arm and swung the blanket open waiting for Redson. Looking at him one last time he tried to fight to urge to cuddle up in his arms and stay with him for the rest of the night. But he failed, he caved in as he got up to turn off the light, close the door, and lay up against Mk's chest. He slid down and hugged his stomach. While he was cuddling taking in every scent of his lover, Mk was messing with his hair. Combing it through with his fingers.  "Mk...I may not say it a lot, but I really do care about you..." He muttered, "If anything were to happen to you...I...I wouldn't even know what to do with myself...You mean so much to me, more than you know..." Redson hugged him tighter, Mk stopped messing with his hair and hugged them back. " If I don't make it-" "DON'T say that! You will make it...!" Redson cut him off, "But...If I don't, promise me that you'll keep moving forward and if you don't have motivation, let me be the reason..." 

"But you'll...make it...You will..."

"Please, love. Don't forget me..." Redson looked up at Mk, he couldn't see his face clearly but he still hoped that he was only joking. He pushed his face back into his chest and fought back tears, but once again lost.


Saying that everyone was asleep was an understatement. Wukong was awake as well. But he wasn't in the mansion, he was back where he had first dropped off his lover. It was way past five hours and when he came back to hopefully see his lover waiting for him with a cure, he was nowhere to be seen. 'Where could have this stupid monkey gone now?! ' he thought, flying above the area, looking for any trace of his Mango. When he spotted something red caught on a branch, he lowered down to it to get a better look. He picked up the piece of fabric and examined it. ''This is a part of Macaque's scarf..." He looked around scanning the area for any other sign that his lover could have been taken.  Once Wukong realized that there was nothing left, he became angry. It was dark outside, too dark to see anything. And he was too tired to use his golden eyes, and he still needed his energy to fly back. He took the fabric piece and stuffed it into his pocket, then hopped back onto his cloud. Before flying off, he took a quick scan of the area. Once again, nothing stood out to him. He flew back unsuccessfully. 

Losing his dear lover was definitely not part of the plan. This made Sun Wukong, greatly angry and worried. He knew that Macaque was strong, but he also knew that making him return to the place he first stole something, got caught, and nearly died was dangerous. But he still has hope that he could manage to get away with it this time. This hope was immediately crushed when he couldn't find a trace of Macaque, except his scarf. 

Angry that his lover could be badly injured or worse, held prisoner in some type of cage made his stomach twist with disgust. Wukong returned home all by himself, annoyed, concerned, and angry.  'I swear if that bastard laid a finger on him. I kick his ass so hard, that shit will be coming out of his mouth'

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