Hello Readers!

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Hello, yes, this is an author's note.

First of all, over 11,000 reads? I never thought I'd get that many reads!

But the thing I want to address is the feedback I'm getting. I value all the feedback I can get, and part of which, that helps me write the next parts for my story. I don't like to update without any ideas, because I like hearing what you guys like, so I can try to incorporate those things into the coming chapters. And right now, I'm receiving like one comment a week, if I'm lucky.

Like for example, all of you who support #UNCLELOUIS (post it in you bio if you really support it, and then post on my message board, and/or comment with #UNCLELOUIS somewhere in it. I will keep track of all the people who are slowly giving into Uncle Louis' plan of world domination. But anyways, I only kept it going because of the comments from you guys, telling me that you like the "Uncle Louis" actions, and/or you support #UNCLELOUIS.

Seriously, put it in your bios, and then tell me, so I can keep count of all of you awesome people who are actively supporting #UNCLELOUIS.

Oh, and any #Skialler shippers here? :)

And another thing I'd like to address is my last chapter. Yes, I'm trying to write a new chapter, but I haven't even gotten to HALF of the vote goal. For you ghost readers, do you really want to wait a long time for an update?

Some of you may tell me that you don't want to comment, and want to remain in the shadows and read my story and continue to enjoy it without stopping to comment, because you "don't have time". I understand why you'd want to do that (even though your argument is hypocritical towards yourself, because if you'd have time to read one chapter, you'd definitely have a minute or two to leave a nice comment), but what I DON'T understand is when people DON'T vote.

For those of you who don't vote, I don't understand your reasoning at all, since it takes less than a second to do so, and it's not like your votes are limited. You can still vote for other stories.

I get it that some chapters may not be as exciting or funny as others, so you may not feel like voting, but it's obvious that you genuinely like my story if you've read up until this point.

And I'd understand why you wouldn't want to vote if my story was horrible, but I know it's not, because I actually take time to actually write something decent so people can read. Do you ever see any spelling mistakes? Capitalization mistakes?

No. And why don't you?

Because I care to make this book enjoyable for you.

So, I've come to a compromise for a possible update before March. And what is this compromise, you say?

Well, it's simple. If you have been a silent reader and haven't been voting at all, just go back and at least vote for your favorite chapters!

But if you want a quicker update, go on and vote for all the chapters.

My goal: 850 votes overall for an update. NOT INCLUDING THIS AUTHOR'S NOTE.

Please tell your friends to read IYA! I'd love to know what everyone thinks of it!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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