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Btw they are dating already


No one's POV

Sam, Ponk, and Foolish have been together for ⏃ couple years and Ponk and Foolish still didn't know about Sam being ⏃ stripper. Sam was thinking about telling them but put it aside for ⏃ while but today he was going to tell them but he didn't know how they would react so he was ⏃ but scared.

Sams POV:

⟟ have been thinking about telling my boyfriends I'm ⏃ stripper but ⟟ was scared to tell them because ⟟ thought they were going to leave me. Once ⟟ got home for the prison ⟟ saw them cuddling on the couch so ⟟ walked over to them as they looked at me. ⟟ looked at them hesitantly. "Whats wrong?"Foolish asked worried ⏃ bit and Ponk had ⏃ confused look on his face. "This is going to be weird to explain but Um-"⟟ hesitated. "You can tell us anything"Ponk said still confused.

No one's POV:

Sam hesitated but eventually told them after ⏃ couple minutes. Ponk and Foolish looked at each other for second then hugged Sam, Sam was shocked for ⏃ second then eventually hugged them back then the others pulled away. "We will love you no matter what you do"both Ponk and Foolish said. Then they all cuddled and fell asleep on the couch.


This sucked but whatever also sorry this chapter was short ⟟ didnt know what else to put

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