You have kids?!

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Hello! This will probably be ⏃ longer chapter idk because I'm writing this before ⟟ actually start writing the chapter 👍 but anyway ⟟ hope you enjoy!


No one's POV:

Foolish was walking home with his kids Finley(⟟ think that's how you spell it) and foolish jr. he had just picked them up from puffy's place and was bringing them to meet his boyfriends. Once they got there Finley ran inside and Jr. followed. Foolish was behind them when they went inside. Ponk and Sam weren't home at the moment because they were busyyyy.

"Dadd can you make us something to eat?"Finley asked. "Sure."Foolish said then walked into the kitchen. He started making Mac & cheese for the kids. "Foods done!"Foolish said putting the bowls/plates on the table. The kids instantly got up and ran to the table to eat. When they were done they went back to the couch and watched ⏃ movie.

~time skip to when Sam gets home~

Sam walked inside and went up stairs to get dressed. Once he was done he went back downstairs and went to the living room. He went to the couch and was about to sit down when he saw the kids. "They kinda look like Foolish"he thought. Just then one Jr. looked at him and stood up still looking up at him. "Who are you?!"he said ⏃ bit panicked and hid his sister behind his back. "This is my house? And don't worry ⟟ aint going to hurt you-"Sam said backing up ⏃ bit.

"No, this is our dads house"he said as Foolish walked into the room and looked at sam. "Oh ⟟ see you have met my kids already"he said with ⏃ nervous laugh. "You have kids?!"he said ⏃ but surprised but not that surprised ig. "Hi dad!"Finley said. "This person keeps saying they live here"Jr. said. "That's because he does"He(foolish) said. "No he doesn't."Jr. said. "Yes, he does he is one of my boyfriends-"he said. "Ok. Wait- what do you mean by one?"Jr. said confused.

"Well-"he started then the door opened and Ponk walked in and walked to the living room where everyone else was. He looked at the kids then Foolish and Sam confused. "Hi ponk!"Sam said walking over to him and hugging him. Ponk was still confused on why there were kids there because he isn't good with kids. "Ponk these are my kids Finley and Foolish Jr. or just Jr. and kids these are my boyfriends Ponk, and Sam!"Foolish said. "Ok!"Finley said. Jr. just nodded in response. "I'm not that good with kids-"Ponk said. "That's ok. They are at my moms most of the time anyway"Foolish said. "Who is you mom?"Sam asked. "Puffy"he(foolish) said. "Ohh ok"he(Sam) said.


This was probably the longest chapter I've made so far it it 484 word.

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