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Warnings for this chapter include: abuse, yelling, slut-shaming, parents fighting, child witnessing siblings abuse, embarrassment, hatred, implied sexual assault, suicidal tendencies. I will leave a sign when these situations begin to arise.

It hadn't really occured to me that Billy and I were dating until he asked if I wanted to go to the diner with him a few months after we started dating. We were in the lunch room, where he was eating lunch with me at a table for two, when he asked me. "Hey, Anna?" he asked. I nodded. He said, "Do you want to go to the diner with me for dinner?" I stopped eating for a moment.

"Yeah, of course!" I said cheerfully. He had completely abandoned his friends at lunch to sit with me. I felt kind of bad because I didn't really talk to anyone, so he had to be with just me. I had offered to sit with them, but I guess he saw the discomfort in sitting with people that probably didn't like me. Billy was pretty good at following my rules, but one thing he was really bad at was keeping the PDA to a small amount.

I was now going to all of his basketball practices, so I saw him a lot. I was sitting on the bleachers reading a book when he ran up them for a water break. I was holding my water bottle in between my thighs, and he grabbed it, scaring the crap out of me. "Jesus! I thought you were some creep or something!" Like always, he smirked.

"The name is Billy, darling, but thanks for thinking highly of me," he said. I rolled my eyes, picking my book back up. He pushed the book down and kissed me lightly. My face flushed, and when he went back down the bleachers, I covered my face. Since when do I blush over dumb stuff like this? I thought to myself.

Once his practice was over, we started heading to the quarry. We took two cars because we hadn't really ridden in each others cars yet. He hadn't even picked me up from my house yet. When we got to the quarry, I stripped my shirt and pants off. I had decided that wearing my bikini under my outfit was a good option since Billy was coming.

He stepped out of his car onto the grass. "Awww man, you got dressed without me!" he whined like a child. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you weirdo." As my boyfriend, Billy wasn't the way I expected him to be. Most people expected him to be like violent and just rude all the time, but he was pretty chill. He followed all my boundaries, except for excess PDA, but that was because he was a very loving person.

He pulled his shirt over his head and unbuttoned his jeans. He pulled them off, leaving him in his boxers. He had made a comment when we first met about how he could make me hot, but I ignored him. My cheeks now went red. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. My face darkened more. "You like what you see?" he whispered softly.

I scoffed. "Me? No way!" The lie was evident in my voice because his smirk seemed to grow bigger. We walked over to the edge of the cliff and jumped together. "AHHH!" I yelled. No matter how many times I did this, it always made me scream. When we resurfaced, he whipped his hair back and fixed it. We usually jumped about three times before we left.

After we got back up to our cars, we drove to our separate homes. He usually called my phone, but recently I had it taken from me. My stepdad decided that all my phone calls should be monitered and that we didn't have the money for it. It's like he thought I was talking about sex or something. My mom knew I had a boyfriend, but Dustin and my stepdad didn't. So, Billy called my house phone to let me know that he was home safe and that he'd pick me up at 7.

TW- traumatic themes
My stepdad, Floyd, answered the phone. "Henderson residence," he said into the phone. I faintly heard Billy's voice over the phone and knew I was screwed. Floyd responded sharply, "No you will not. You will not come near my house. You will not be taking Anna anywhere. I know how you boys think. She is not allowed to have sex. She is no whore. Goodbye!" 

"Floyd, he doesn't want sex! He was just taking me to dinner!" I screamed. If I didn't get out of this, I thought for sure that Billy would leave me. Especially if he found out about Floyd's actions. "You don't know what that boy wants, Anna, I do! All he wants is a quick fuck! Are you a whore? Huh?" he snapped. As tears began falling down my face, I stayed silent. He grabbed my arm and hissed, "ARE YOU A WHORE, ANNA?"

I began sobbing. "Don't cry, you little bitch!" Right after Floyd called me a bitch, Dustin walked into the house. Floyd noticed and shoved me towards the stairs up to my room. I could tell Dustin was scared, but what was he going to do? Floyd shoved my onto my bed and began to unbuckle his belt. "If you weren't such a whore, maybe people would want you," he accused.

"Bend over," he snapped. I sat on my bed, frozen solid. "Wait, I need to go to the bathroom, please!" He scoffed. "Fine, two minutes." I ran out of the room and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down Billy's number and gave it to Dustin. "If you hear screaming, call this number and tell him that Anna is in trouble. If they ask who is calling, just say you're my brother. Don't give details, okay?" He nodded, very scared.

"ANNA!" I heard him stomping around upstairs. "I'm coming, Dustin was in the upstairs bathroom!" I ran up the stairs, tear streaks on my face. He pushed me over onto my bed again and hit me with his belt. I screamed as loud as I could to get the hint to Dustin. I just hoped he had heard. 20 minutes later, Floyd was finished hurting me.

My face was covered in tears and saliva, my throat was sore, and my pride was hurt. I didn't know what to do. I could barely walk because of the pain on my ass. I walked down the stairs and saw Floyd leaving for the bar. I called for Dustin. "Dustin! Come here!" I hated when he had to see me all bruised and beat up, but I needed his help. "Call that number please. Tell him I need him to pick me up early."

He hurried to the phone and called Billy. This time, I was close enough to the phone that I could hear his every word. "Hello?" he said quietly. Dustin spoke up. "Hey, this is Dustin, Anna's brother! She needs you to pick her up now! She told me not to say anything, but please hurry!" I heard the line stop. 5 minutes later, the doorbell rang. Dustin opened it.

"Hey, you must be Billy. I'm Dustin, nice to meet you formally," Dustin introduced himself. Billy shook his hand. "What's the emergency? Why does she need me to pick her up early?" Dustin started whispering, so I couldn't hear him. "WHAT? HE DID WHAT NOW?" Billy yelled. He stomped into the living room. "Where is he, Anna?" I shrugged. "He left, um, a little bit ago..."

He sighed, leaning down. He went to kiss me, but I leaned away. "Hey, what's wrong?" At this moment I realized that Dustin did not know about the sexual abuse. "He, um..." I opened my mouth to show him my red throat. His breath caught in his. He kissed me before I could back away. "Why are you kissing me? I thought you would just leave. That's what all my old friends did," I whispered.

He frowned. "You shoud not have to deal with this! He picked me up and carried me out to his car. "Dustin, don't tell anyone that I picked her up, unless your life depends on it. If that guy comes at you, too, you tell him that Billy Hargrove picked her up. Protect yourself. I've got Anna." He gently sat me in the passenger seat, being careful to not touch my ass.

It had been a while since Floyd had really went this far. Normally, he would just use his belt a few times and then relieve himself on my face. "I'm sorry, Billy," I said crying. He looked over at me. "Why the fuck do you think you need to be sorry?" he questioned. "Well, I shouldn't be crying about something so stupid. And I shouldn't have had Dustin call you. I'm sorry for ruining our date night," I sobbed.

He pulled his Camaro over. Billy sighed. "Baby, I know that your stepdad makes you feel as though you can't feel. I know he treats you so bad that you lock away your feelings and just hide, but I promise, that is not how it should be. You are beautiful and amazing. You have no reason to be sorry. Do you understand?" Billy comforted me. I smiled the first real smile I had in a while. "Okay, Billy. Thank you." "Of course!" he exclaimed.

He pulled back onto the road and drove me to his house. "My old man is supposed to be home around midnight. He is... not so great like your stepdad. If he knew I had a girl in my room he'd kill me," Billy spoke cautiously. He closed his door and pulled me onto his bed carefully. "It's gonna be okay, Anna. I promise, everything's gonna be okay."

Billy's POV:

She turned her body towards me. "You're amazing, Billy," she whispered as she fell asleep. She had drifted into a nap. I held her softly. "You're so beautiful, Anna Jane."

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