~I would die for you~ (Angst)

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My first angst!! Enjoy :D

sorry if its bad

key words: 'y/e - your element'


Plot: It's the eclipse arc, basically yk the dragons appear and then theres baby dragon spawn attacking people except you and sting took the place of Juvia and Gray, and.....Ultear didn't use the spell that took her life. ;) I'm sorry, HEHE. (The words won't be the same ones in the episode, Just a little bit of the same lines. Also you both arent fighting the actual dragon because you and sting have defeated one)


"Roar of the (Y/e)!!!" You yell as you let out a long pant, taking down a few of the baby dragons.

"White drive!" Sting yells running towards the enemy's taking them down.

(your mind): 'Shit...what are these things made out of!?'

"Sting! Stay close!" You say as you sweat head to toe.

Sting nods and gets closer to you.

You both combine your attacks trying to wipe out as much enemy's as you could. You mumbled lines of curses underneath your breath.

"Sting we have to use all our strength!!" You scream as you see a bigger dragon coming towards you both.

You both combine all your strength making a Unison Raid. You both take out the bigger dragon along with the smaller ones but more won't stop appearing. You were about to get hit but before anything happened Sting pushes you to the ground with him. His hand landed on your waist causing you to blush like crazy. He helps you up from the ground.

"Actually y/n theres something i need to tell you," Sting mumbles

(Your mind): 'KYAAAA!! HIS HE GOING TO CONFESS HIS LOVE!?! But at a time like this?'

"What is it-?" You say as you're still flustered

"Actually its not important, haha.." He laughs awkwardly

You were still off guard as you were a little sad by his response, Suddenly Sting's eyes went wide as he ran up to you pushing you down. You look up as you see multiple blast's going through the body of the Blond Dragon Slayer you'd loved so much, You were too shocked to speak as you see one last blow go through the head of the man you loved. (you should've reached the chorus of the song at this part by now)

"S-sting? Please..get up!!" You say gasping through each word as tears started to fall from your eyes as you sweated all over your body.

You pick his upper body up hugging him as his body turned cold. You kissed his unharmed cheek as you leaned your body back a bit lunging your head towards the sky as you let out a insanely loud scream in anger and sadness, but most importantly, pain.

"STINGG!!!" You scream with tears flooding your eyes with his blood all over your arms.

"I never told you how much I loved you..I'm sorry I never said it sooner...I'm so sorry Sting!!" You yell with a trembling voice.

You take a final stand unleashing your strongest spell only to get shot in the chest before you could finish it, as your body landed beside Sting's. You felt your body go numb as you close your eyes using the last of your energy to cup your hand in the face of the Blond Dragon slayer whom you never got to confess your love to.

----------------------------------------------- After math of the battle

You and Sting's body's were found by the members of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.

"Y/n..? Sting..?" Lucy gasped with tears running down her cheeks putting her hands on her mouth.

"How...could this happen..." Lector says crying rivers down his face.

They held you both a funeral after the battle in the field behind the castle. Leaving a note in the middle of your graves with flowers all around.

To our beloved Y/n L/n, and Sting Eucliffe. We are so sorry we weren't there to save you both, we wish you both well in the after life.

- From all the guilds who fought with you both.


Hope u enjoyed this one heh. I am planning to at least make it to the 25th oneshot till i end this book, but there will be a special chapter at the end.

- Ivoria

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