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"Boke what the hell!" Kageyama yelled.

"I said go right!" Hinata screamed.

"I DID!" Kageyama yelled back.


"BOKE!" Kageyama cried out.

"It was a lot quieter before he came." Kenma muttered as he sat at his desk eating the ham egg and cheese sandwich Kuro had brought him. He sighed. Today was that day, Wednesday. He flinched when he saw movement from the corner of his eye.

"Why are you so jumpy today?" Kuroo asked.

"Its here." Kenma muttered.

"What is?" Kuroo finished filing whatever it was he had brought into the room to file in the cabinets in Kenma's office.

"... and I didn't find a date." He sighed heavily.

"D, d, date?" Kuroo asked. His face hidden in the shadow of the room.

"Yeah. I was suppose to bring a date. I can't bring Shoyo again. They know we are only friends." Kenma drew in a deep breath. He let it out hard and fast.

"Um what, uh what do you need a date for?" Kuroo asked.

"My sister's wedding." Kenma muttered. "She isn't my real sister, but my parents took her in as a foster kid a few years back. She's really pretty cool. But she made me promise I would bring a date to her wedding and I failed." Kenma pouted.

"I, um I'm free. Uh I mean I'm not seeing anyone and uh could be your date. When is the wedding?" Kuroo asked.

"Tonight at seven." Kenma's face turned red. Kuroo. He was all but certain his assistant was his first follower. The nicknames he was calling him, Kenken, Kitten. These were things that rosaterhead69 also called him. The only one Kuroo hadn't used was pudding head, yet.

"That's perfect. I can be your date, if you..."

"DATE!. Did you finally get the balls and ask your crush out!" Bokuto yelled swinging into the office as if the door was a stripper pole.

"BO!" Kuroo yelled.

"Crush?" Kenma looked confused. "How did you know I had a crush on Kuroo?" He asked Bokuto.

"WAIT, WHAT?" They both yelled. Kenma ducked his head, covering his ears at their loud voices.

"YOU LIKE Kuroo?" Bokuto started to yell but Kuroo gave him the eye.

"Y, yeah." Kenma whispered. "I, I, I have wanted to ask him to come to my sisters wedding with me for awhile but..."

"Kenma, I've had a crush on you since high school." Kuroo stated softly. He moved to the kids chair. Kneeling he gently pulled the small hands into his lap. "I found your live stream one day and I never looked back. You were the reason I found out I wasn't straight." He added.

"Then you are rosterhead69?" Kenma couldn't tear his gaze from that of the spiky headed male before him.

"Yeah, I am, kitten." He smiled at using the nickname.

"You were my very first follower!" Kenma commented he didn't know what else to say.

"OK, I like you, you like me, let's go to your sisters wedding together and then I will take you out this weekend on a real date, sound good?" He asked. Kenma blushed profusely.

"Yea, yeah I would, I want to yes." He muttered.

"Too cute pudding head." Kuroo kissed the top of his head. Kenma purred. Kuroo smirked.

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