S1 Chapter 6: Truth Seekers

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Warning: The following chapter contains Graphic Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Themes, Flashing Lights, as well a Rampant Demon Horniness... So yes, it's intended for mature audiences.


[Somewhere on Earth]

We open up to four monitors; the first one shows Blitza and Moxxie outside Martha's house, Moxxie then pushes Blitza's gun causing her to shoot in the wrong direction. Another showing Y/N coming out of the ocean after killing the fish monster, another's showing Millie and Moxxie french-kissing, shooting their guns in different directions, while swinging on a rope, and on the fourth monitor is a shot of horses, which then zooms past them onto Blitza, who's making a goofy face.

 Another showing Y/N coming out of the ocean after killing the fish monster, another's showing Millie and Moxxie french-kissing, shooting their guns in different directions, while swinging on a rope, and on the fourth monitor is a shot of horses, ...

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Someone pauses the video and then points at Blitza in the footage. After that, a male voice could be heard discussing the footage.

???: "Right there. This was the first sighting."

A female voice then spoke.

???: "They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically-targeted people, but why?"

It is revealed that they are agents working for a private organization that specializes in paranormal investigation.

It is revealed that they are agents working for a private organization that specializes in paranormal investigation

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[Agent One & Two]

Agent One: "They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next."

Suddenly a loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by an angry cat sound. The two agents immediately glance over to a hole in the wall that is covered with small wooden planks, forming a peephole to the outside. They then see the source of all the racket, Blitza outside on top of some trash bags and dumpsters, looking around. While Y/N sighs in disappointment at Blitza failing to stay silent. Moxxie and Millie are also seen with them, as they wait for Loona to open the portal to Hell.

Agent Two: "Ah well, that's convenient."

Blitza: "Shh! Remember, we can't be seen."

Moxxie: "Pardon my word, ma'am. But you're currently being the loudest."

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