Chapter 3

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"Sometimes you just have to let people go."

I picked up my rucksack and dragged my suitcase down the stairs and headed to the car. "Holly! Hurry up and get in!" Mum said, everyone was already in the car. I placed my suitcase in the boot, hopped into the backseat, closed the door and strapped myself in.

"Ok everyone, it's going to be a long ride" Steve said, and with that he turned the engine on, and off we went. I had gotten no sleep the night before so I was particularly tired, so shortly afterwards I drifted off into a deep, dark, dream.

I stood on the beach with my real dad, George and the rest of my family. Hand in hand. We stared out to sea. I could feel the wet sand fiddling in-between my toes, and the cold waves galloping against my feet. The sun was high in the sky, the clouds - soft and spread out. Indulged in the bright rays, my dad spoke, "my little princess...did you miss me?" His voice sounded different, almost sadistic, lonely. "

Of course Dad. I missed you so much. Where have you been? Where did you go? Why did you leave?" I replied. He froze for a moment, smiled, then shrugged before he untangled his hand from mine and let it drift to his side.

"Where did I go?" He whispered. His eyes glazed over, his smile disappeared, his body stiffened, and then he took a step forward - a step away from me, and then another, and then many more until he was breast deep in the sea. "Dad! Come back!" I screamed - he didn't know how to swim, he could drown! "Where did I go?" He shouted, "Where did I go? Well, I went to a land far away... one day you'll see me princess. And we'll be together again."

I started to run towards him, but as I did so the harsh wind pulled me back, but I kept trying to reach him, to hug him, to kiss him, just one more time.

I was soon waist deep in water, I was struggling, I was breathing heavily, he was no more than 5 metres away from me now, he looked back towards me. Then he took another step forward, then another, then another, then another, until you could only see the top of his head. "DAD!" I screamed, I could no longer reach the sand at the bottom, I swam towards what I could see of him, each stroke got harder and harder. The menacingly cold sea water ran through my ears, but I didn't stop, I couldn't lose him again, I just couldn't. I was at an arms reach of my dad, in just a few seconds I could hold him again, smell his sweet scent, listen to the sound of his angelic voice. I reached out, determined, and for just a second I thought he was going to come up from underneath the water, grab my hand, and we'd swim off to a deserted island, just the two of us. I imagined that just for a moment, as I watched my hand almost touch the top of his head... almost. Not quick enough, when my hand came down to touch what had been my father's head, all there was was harsh, icy, water.

No. I had lost him again, and every time I would lose him, every time I'd be so close yet so far.

Luckily the tide was with me as I swam back to shore.

I ran up to what felt like the only person I could huddle up to, to seek comfort from - my mum. Thank goodness she was here. I had her, and I knew she would never leave me. But I couldn't feel her arms wrap around me. It felt as if we were in completely different dimensions, even though she was right next to me. I suddenly felt my grip loosen and she slowly descended, something pulled her away from me. Some-one had begun to pull her away from me. Steve. And he held Dolly, Ella and Bax. But he made no attempt to take me with him. I watched them disappear. Together. They'd left me as well; how could they?

"George" I cried! Tears streamed down my face as he made his way towards me. I embraced him. He hugged me amorously. Nothing in the world could tear us apart. I guess he was the only one I could trust, I knew he'd never leave me. But then he pushed me away. "NO!" I screamed; someone grabbed his arm, he struggled against it, "Holly, help me!" He screamed, he tried to twist and turn his way out of the person's grip. But I couldn't, I couldn't help him. I saw the person who was pulling him away from me. I couldn't move. I felt betrayed. George had stopped struggling . He turned to the girl. He held her hand. They left me. How could he? How could she? After all those things we did together, the memories we shared, he'd left me, just like dad, mum, my brother and sisters, and almost everyone I loved.

I woke up startled, choking on my own breath, the smell of sick ran up my nose. I looked around the car to witness my mother vomiting into a plastic bag, and then reality struck me.

3 hours and 42 minutes later

"Here we are!" Steve said excitedly.

"And where exactly is that?" I asked, as we headed up a stony driveway.

"Scotland." Scotland... That's where Dad was born! A huge smile appeared on my face. Steve and Mum gave each other a little wink. They knew I'd like the idea, that's why they had made me come, and I'm so glad they did. This would give me a taste of how it felt like to be Dad, to live in a rural area - well at least the part he came from. "It's called Holly Dale cottage." My Mum said, as she stared at me. Holly Dale. I giggled slightly and all of the members that were in the car giggled along with me. The car pulled to a stop. And we all un-strapped ourselves and Mum came over to the back, and un-strapped Ella, before she opened the door for us all. "Everyone, get your luggage out of the boot and meet me at the door step, I'll unlock the door and I'll lead you to your rooms, If that's alright with you Holly?" Steve asked, I gave an approving nod before I hopped to the boot, got my rucksack and luggage and walked to the doorstep. As I did this, I noticed the beauty of the cottage we were staying at. Dad would've loved it. It had white, long-framed windows, covered by pale white curtains, presumably made out of lace. It's brick was a dusty red. Half of the visible wall was covered in thick, deep-green ivy and the door was a lovely, light, pastel, red. It was beautiful. And it reminded me of Dad and what our future could've been like if he had still been here with me.

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