Chapter 13

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"You're gonna miss me, and when you do, you'll realise that you only have yourself to blame and I hope the blame hurts you, like the pain of you leaving hurt me."

 "DOLLY!!!" I screamed. Dean began to pace up the steps but I was frozen to the spot, scared that the ledge that had managed to catch Dolly would break if I moved. I began to cry. "DOLLY!!!" I screamed again, it seemed like the only thing I could do. Fear coiled around my mind and all I could do was stand and stare, so afraid that if I blinked, the ledge would fall and my little sister would fall along with it.

"DOLLY!" I screamed yet again. My tears were becoming thicker and heavier as the wind was getting harsher. "DEAN!" I screamed as I saw his figure emerge out of the shadows and onto the cliff. "DEAN!" I screamed!

"HOLLY, IT'S ALRIGHT! SHE'S GONNA BE OK, I'M GOING TO TRY AND REACH FOR HER, GO AND GET STEVE!" He had to scream above the roar of the waves but his voice echoed to me, it encouraged me, it was full of hope. I made my way up to the steps. I took a breather at the top, as I composed myself, then I ran. I ran as fast as I could. The tears leapt out of my eyes. "STEVE" I screamed as I got closer to the house, "STEVE!" I jumped over the gate and somehow managed to avoid the bush. "STEVE!!!!" Every step I took I began to scream louder, "STEVE!!!!!!!" I crashed through the kitchen door to see that Steve had already begun to rush towards me. "Holly? Holly? What's wrong?" I clung to him as I caught my breath. "Dolly! I'll lead the way!" We ran back into the garden hand in hand, we slashed through any obstacle, Steve kicked down the gate and we began to sprint towards the cliff.

Right now I needed Steve, I gripped his hand so tightly, I never wanted to let go. We took the way which led to the cliff and shortly arrived upon it. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t." Steve repeated as he flung my hand away and raced over to the edge of the cliff where Dean bent over. The wind roared through my ears and I felt faint, I sat in the middle of the cliff feeling helpless.

Steve's POV

"HOLLY! Ring the ambulance and fire brigade!" I shouted as I looked over my shoulder to see that Holly lay helplessly on the floor. I rushed over to her and cradled her head in my hands. "Holly, you need to be brave! For Dolly, for Dean, for me. I need you to go back to the house, tell mum what's happened and make some good use of that phone of yours. I know that you hate me, don't deny it, you've been a b*tch to me ever since I set foot in your house. But right now you need to do as I say, for Dolly. I know you're scared, hurt, angry, afraid, confused, but push that all aside right now, you need to focus. Ok?"

"Ok." She replied, I helped her to her feet and watched her run away. I ran back to Dean. "By the time the fire brigade gets here it might be too late, we need to act fast and act now." I said, "so here's what you've got to do, I need you to hold my legs, I'm 6ft 5, I can reach that ledge, I'll then pick Dolly up and you need to haul her to safety, then by that time, hopefully Kate will be here to help you haul me up, but if not then you have to do it yourself. You understand?" I said, as I gripped his shoulder, "do you understand Dean?" I repeated firmly. "

Yes." Dean replied. I lay myself on the ground, a quarter of my body over the edge.

"You ready?" I asked.

Dean gulped then said "yes" .I pushed myself further through the air until only half of my legs were on the top of the cliff. "Ok, I need you to gently lower me down." I felt Dean slowly loosen his grip round my legs. "That's it! Keep going Dean!" My hand could touch the ledge Dolly was on. "Ok, now I know this is scary but I need you to let go." Nothing happened. "Dean. Let. Go." I shouted.

"I CAN'T! You're gonna die!" He screamed.

"Trust me Dean. Let go." With that he let go, I came down head first onto the ledge, there'd probably be a lump but nothing too serious. I hauled myself to a standing position before I knelt to where Dolly lay. I firemans lifted her over my shoulder. "Now Dean, I need you to do something really brave for me! You need to put half of your body off the cliff in order to reach Dolly!"

"I might fall though!" He shouted.

"TRY NOT TO!" I shouted back. He obeyed my order though, at first I could only see his head, but then more or his body began to appear. "That's it Dean, now I need you to grab her hands!" I moved Dolly into my arms, she was unconscious, then I placed one hand below her neck and one on her butt and stretched my arms at full length. "Have you got her Dean?" I shouted.

"Yes!" He replied. I felt Dolly's weight slowly decrease as Dean managed to pull her over the cliff's edge. "That's it Dean! Careful, gently..." I sighed with relief. Then I saw Kate's head peer over the edge of the cliff. "STEVE" She cried out. I felt the ledge start to shake, I stretched my hands up as high as I could and then I felt Kate and Dean both haul me up.

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