Chapter 17

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"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." - Neil Armstrong

 I woke up to the voices of my two best friends chatting away. I lay in my bed for a while though, still and silent, thinking about what had happened less than 5 hours ago.

 People had it a lot worse than me, lived in absolute poverty, yet there I was, crying, hating myself, wanting to die, when there were people out there who didn't have anyone to look after them. I felt embarassed. Embarassed, weak and ashamed.

 "Holly!" Layla said as she scurried over to me and hugged me. "I'm so, so, so, so, sorry, we shouldn't have told you at this time in your life, we're so stupid. We wanted to tell you sooner, but we were afraid, and we promised that we would tell you the next time we saw you.

 "It’s fine" I replied as I escaped from Layla's embrace and got out of my bed.

 "He's a dickhead. She’s a lying whore. You can do way better." Eliza said, "In fact, I don’t know what he sees in her, I mean, she’s a two faced, manipulative, b*tch; and if it makes you feel any better, as soon as you fell asleep, we called her and told her that she can go eff off and get some new friends, because to be honest, we couldn’t care less about her or her stupid, dumb, annoying, moronic, boyfriend."

I laughed at the fury in Eliza's voice, she never failed to bring a smile to my face. "You guys are the best." I said as Eliza wrapped her arms around me.

 ****next day****

 "Have fun!" Steve said as I left the car.

 "Fun? I have never heard of such a word!" I replied as I waved goodbye.

 I guess me and Steve were on 'alright' terms since my breakdown. I was still annoyed at him, so he insisted that I take these classes as payback for when I hit him at the hospital. I had it coming I guess.

 The anger management classes were situated in an old, worn, crusty building right next to a hospital. I entered the main entrance and was directed to the room.

 "You must be Holly!" A tall, skinny man, with a rather pointed nose said.

 "Yeah that’s me." I said giving him a weak smile. I noticed that the man kept a distance from me; I guess I would as well if I was in a room with teenagers who happened to lose their temper quite quickly.

 He opened the door and I walked into a small room full of teens around my age with a rather bored and tired look on most of their faces. One girl had purple hair and dark makeup and kept itching her knuckles and tapping her chair repetitively. There was also this other girl who looked quite small and fragile, her eyes kept scanning the room and everyone in it, and she was on high alert, probably a newbie like me.

 "You can sit over there, right next to Christopher." The man said as he closed the door behind me.

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