Have you seen Tommy? blond kid with traumas? - 8

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Hello hello! Welcome back!

TW: nothing much, just a minor stuff

Nothing funny about dehydrated, seriously, drink water even it was just a cup A day

I am trynna to improv ma writing skill :D

Anyway, Have fun!


Months has passed, as the ship on the way to the new land. Seagulls fly above the sky, looking for food or just fly around. The waves wasn't too wild like usual, which is good for them. The heat of the sun is hot accompanied by the wind blowing the sails of the ship. Making the ship go faster

Captain Typhon Woosevelt, Captain of The Great Crimson O'Ravens. Legend say he was the one who created Sea Savers. Protected the sea with his mighty wings, fly spreading the golden feathers. While searching for the deepest treasure, with his trusted crews. But the otherwise, he is feared by the navy ships. Not just any naval ship, some are concerned with power. That's why the captain Need to stop them, by killing almost all of them.

The sea were a freedom, wild sea filled with a million species along with treasures. A beautiful underwater full of coral reefs of marine animals. And yet, the sea was a dangerous place. Most famous sea monster is the Kraken, giant octopus that can squeeze your ship in just an hour. Not a few ship was crushed by it, if you digged the under the sea, you will be rich. However, it is not a simple like that. There is a risk by exchanging lives, just think about it. You can't just digged the sea then boom, riches. Like what i says, too risky. Well, the sea wasn't dangerous at all. If you don't go deeper to the sea then it's fine, maybe

Ships sail for a living, fishermen catch fish, and travelers visit the natural beauty of the sea. Yes, if you think about the greedy who dig the sea for wealth and power, without knowing the risk. What a foul, you know that the end of the greedy one is death

However, not a few people who care for and maintain the sea. Protected by the group called; Sea Savers- Their job is protect the wealth and welfare of the sea and its contents. Some of them even married to the sea creatures, example; Sirens- Legend says that Siren made of humans fall love with the mermaids, but there is an hundred species of mermaid- Yes, it is. The mermaids has ability to sang, some of then sang for seducing to finding any prayers, some of them sang because it was their hobby, and yet, some of them eats seaweed or the like

Why it so different? Sadly, the author don't know much about this. But, because it was a fantasy then i can wrote with my imagination

Anyway, Sirens hybrid often found on the edge of the sea or coast. Those sirens who's friendly can live among the non hibrid, but the predators, usually live in the bottom of the sea. Usually they come to the surface to do business, earn a living, or just a habits. They're made an alliances with the Sea Savers, yes obviously because the greedy human were haunt them for power so yeah. Fucking humans i hate them, be free do crime

The newest ship starts join the others in the sea. A large one, with amount of canons as well as the wind blows making the masts fluttering. The ship slowly gone faster than before, a child resting his body on the crow's nest as the other crew doing their task

And the captain on the wheel, towards the way through his compass. A raven on his side, eating seeds that given by the cap, the raven was always beside the captain, but usually gone to nowhere sometime appears from nowhere. That's normal too, like... They're birds right? Birds can fly itself. But after the raven finish it lunch with the cap, it fly away. The cap even named it Clementine or Nugget which was the crew agreed with

"Cap why you do name it Nugget?"

"Look at the bird, the bird is fat" the raven turn its head, attacking the captain while the ship's deck filled with laugher

The captain sometime decorate the bird with necklaces, bracelets, or other valuable things. As the crews like to do it anyway, they never know where the birds fly with the jewelry. However, mostly the bird spending time on the crow's nest with the boy. Chatting together to keep company as the boy wasn't alone on the crow's nest. With the boy's spyglass, he make sure everything in sight

"A land in sight!" The boy screamed as the crew noticed "Aye aye!" They prepared to landing, roll up the sails so the ship won't hit the harbor. Well, it haas happen before, it was the captain's first sailing. Almost destroyed the harbor

"Shroud! Come down lad!" The captain shouted, as the child immediately climbed down

In step three he jumps "Aye dad! Whatcha need?" His father ruffling the kid's hair, ended messing it

"Heh, go with Mikey Shroud, i'll follow behind ya lad"

"Okey dokey" as the child sprinted into the main deck along with the other

The cap pulled his compass, unfortunately the compass direction pointing forward. Which is, not good "Alright... Here we go again" he frowned, his mind is racing 'no i AM AN Adult i can handle this shit' fighting his own mind, his mind command to turn around then leave, but at the same time his mind want to visits

'worst day ever...' he sighed, until one of his crew passed by

"Hey lad! What day is it?" As the teen turn his head, he speak "It is monday cap!" Then the teen continue to his work, walked away. Leaving the captain groaned

'ugghhhh why the fuck people made monday?' He ask himself, before he clear his troat "Drop the anchor!" He commanded

The ship stopped correctly in the harbor, they're being greet by the people on the harbor. Such a nice people, they lowered the plank to walk there, one by one the crews meet the land

"Hello! Welcome to New L'manberg!" The port guard greets him with a kind smile

As the captain nodding, smiled back to the guard, not mentioned his mind panicking

'ah shit, here we go again'

End chapter 8

A/N: i'm sorry this is shorter than before hehe

So i basically winning basketball competition at my school!

Well... Not first place.. i got third :>

Anyway, i've new book! :D

Will be out soon, i promise

See ya later


-1114 words

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