Will it last forever? -11

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Helooo hellooo :D

Am back :DD
I'm not died, yet

It's began with Techno pov... Gosh, i already miss him

TW: nothing much o/

See ya in the end of dis chap :D


Another beautiful snowy day... on antarctic biome, where everything is pretty busy, students go to their classes, people working, birds chirping, children play, and other stuff

Just like what everyone dreaming with, a peaceful place where hybrid were not haunted or get hurt by people who wanting their ability and powers. A greedy and reckless person or groups, good place to living in peace i can say.

Antarctic empire had a job to protect everyone from them, even if it need a sacrifices. They had a job to protect the weak, an important job. Maybe they have failed from long time ago, but it doesn't made them stop

Maybe the fear of losing stayed and will never disappear itself,
Maybe the fear of deep guilt can never leave

Maybe the bruises won't gone forever


But, it doesn't stop them to keep going, they rebuild the broken walls.

Maybe they were a murderer, but they can change it to the better

Anyway, back to present time where Techno receive a letter, we save the backstory for later

Back to Techno's office, a lot of bookshelf lining the wall, a cup of tea, smell of warm lavenders, so cozy even the times feels so slow in here,

A perfectly dream for book lovers

As the mail carrier had left, however letter already on his hand, took a moment before he open the letter. It reads;

Dear Techno

I've contact with Typhon! Also Ranboo an' Phil are with me so it's fine so pls do not raise ur waepon

Will you come here for a moment? We've talk about Foolish, so i'll explain later and also i forgor where the hell i put my commuincator (Ranboo's too, we lose them)

I'll waiting for yuo to reply, Techno


A neat handwriting yet need to be fixed, tough Techno.

Well... To be honest he were unprepared about that

'What he need me for...' a new question spreads to the voices as those voices asking him too

Placing the letter down, he take a sip of his tea before he rethinks the invitation. Because he knew that Foolish land were dangerous, there is no victory without sacrifice to go there. And the land was far, far away from his. Kinda suck but yeahh... Wait, Tubbo said they have contact with the captain. That fact caught his attention, he also wanted to know who he was though

Picking up a new paper and a pen, he start writing

Dear old friend of mine, perfection as well an elegant writing he made every single time he write


Typhon and his crews already spent four day on the land, couldn't leave because he's restocking some supplies. Taking Shroud to the park, walk around through his old hometown even the people not very welcoming him and crews, sadly.

Sailing Sea (BEING REWRITE ig)Where stories live. Discover now