Chaptert 10

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Lan Qiren was immensely pitying both of his nephews and Wei Wuxian. There had been too much going on and they had all suffered in their own way. He wanted to help them somehow, but he could not find any viable way. The young men's hearts were currently hurt and he was afraid that no matter what he tried, it could break them completely.

After assisting to the operation that Wei Wuxian had willingly subjected himself to, Lan Qiren's view on the world changed. He was now seriously thinking about what was the most important in life and that almost everything he had cherished before had been just fleeting trinkets.

He feared that now he had lost Lan Xichen forever. The former leader of the Gusu Lan sect had run out with a hand over his mouth as soon as the operation had started. From that moment on, Lan Qiren had not seen him anymore. He had only learned from junior disciples that he had once again retired into seclusion. When Lan Qiren had tried to speak with him, he had only been met with closed door and a tired voice asking him to go away. He could only guess that his older nephew had gone back to mourning his late sworn brother. And perhaps also thinking about Wei Wuxian's sacrifice and regretting that he could not have done something similar for Jin Guangyao.

Yes, seeing how loyal and determined Wei Wuxian had been when saving Lan Wangji, Lan Qiren could not hold himself from changing his whole view on the former demonic cultivator. When looking at him now, he could not stop himself from seeing a young teenager who had gone through the same ordeal to save his brother. He could not help regretting how the whole cultivation world, including himself, had wronged him.

There really had not been any other way but for him to pick up demonic cultivation. Lan Qiren saw that clearly now, every single time he happened to meet Wei Wuxian, even from afar.

Although Lan Wangji went back to his overly protective behaviour and tended to keep Wei Wuxian in the safety of the Jingshi, that did not mean they never came out. Lan Qiren often saw the two of them together: once again healthy Lan Wangji and an extremely fragile and sickly-looking Wei Wuxian. He almost wanted to weep at every occasion.

How could he had been so blind to not have seen anything wrong with the young man before? His weakness and sickly looking exterior, his tired smiles and dark circles under his eyes, everything was screaming at the whole world that Wei Wuxian was but a man. Long gone was his healthy teenage self. He was not a monster they had labelled him as and certainly not a dangerous demonic cultivator.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian only hardly ever spoke to him, preferring to avoid him just like before. There was no way he would ever again slander Wei Wuxian or speak his name in a bad light. No, he would actually protect him now and defend him whenever he heard as much as a mention of any negative rumours. However, it did not feel like he was doing enough.

He immediately noticed that Wei Wuxian went back to not carrying a sword when walking around. And for some reason, he would not have his flute with him either. Lan Qiren could only assume that it was in order not to attract any unwanted attention, probably as a reaction to the whole incident with the assassination attempt. It was hard to watch really.

At one point, Lan Qiren even went up to Lan Wangji to try to discreetly plead with him to have Wei Wuxian go around as he would like, with a wide smile, loud attitude and a demonic flute tugged behind his belt. He would overlook all the rule breaking just to have Wei Wuxian feel more welcome in the Cloud Recesses and show him his gratitude for saving his nephew.

However, even this visit had not borne any fruit. If anything, Wei Wuxian could be spotted outside of the Jingshi on less and less occasions. And the worst thing of all, when Lan Qiren actually saw him outside, the former demonic cultivator looked more and more sickly by the day. There was definitely something wrong going on. No one told him anything though so he could only worry silently.

One day, after running into Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji by accident – or not so much because Lan Qiren had been waiting for them for almost half an hour before walking out from behind the corner to greet them, not that he was going to admit this to anyone, it was his little secret – he could not hold his tongue anymore.

They greeted each other officially, more politely than a family really should. And then, the former demonic cultivator with sunken, pale cheeks and frail-looking frame staggered when making his bow. Lan Wangji immediately supported him and watched with extremely worried eyes how Wei Wuxian put his hand toward his stomach, exactly where his golden core had twice been, but not anymore. He must have immediately realized that he should not do that and straightened himself laboriously. He seemed so weak right now that it was tugging at Lan Qiren's heart strings.

"Lan Zhan, I am fine, really," he tried to reassure but even his voice sounded tired and devoid of all life. Needless to say, this did nothing to actually calm down Lan Wangji's or Lan Qiren's worried. If anything, they only skyrocket.

At that point, Lan Qiren could truly no longer play an uninterested party. They were his family, he wanted to know what was going on. Only after almost losing Lan Wangji did he realize how precious his nephew truly was to him, he would not be able to bear seeing him die. And the same applied to Wei Wuxian now. He was no longer a threat who menaced Lan Wangji's future and reputation. He was Lan Qiren's family as well.

He watched how they were slowly leaving in the direction of the Jingshi, but this time, he followed them.

Not that Lan Qiren wanted to eavesdrop or anything, he was just finding it hard to pick a good moment to knock on the door. Especially when he could hear voices from the inside and what they were saying had shocked him completely.

"Lan Zhan, we have already talked about this. I am not so sick I would have to stay in bed all the time, an occasional longer rest here and there should do the trick. Wen Ning also said that acting as normal is the best way. I do not want everyone treating me differently now."

There was short pause before Wei Wuxian continued, his voice now forcefully light: "It cannot be helped if everyone in the Cloud Recesses knows that I have once again defected from the righteous path. They do not have to know about this as well. I could take Chenqing with me too, I promise I will not use it unless absolutely necessary. It would just help me to act more normally..."

Lan Qiren had to keep himself from storming inside the Jingshi and demanding to be told the truth. It was very clearly something happening with Wei Wuxian. Something, he had not even the slightest idea about. All he knew that it was somehow connected to Wei Wuxian's health and to his use, or the lack thereof, of demonic cultivation.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji sounded extremely worried and sad, it did not sit well with Lan Qiren either, "remember, you are supposed to be really careful with your body. Mo Xuanyu's is not as strong as yours have been in the past. No demonic cultivation either; without a golden core to act as a balance, it could only too easily deteriorate your health."

Lan Qiren inhaled in shock. So that was it then, Wei Wuxian had not only sacrificed his golden core to save Lan Wangji, but also his health and everything he loved to do so much. With how sickly he was looking, even going out of the Cloud Recesses could be dangerous, never mind taking Juniors of a night hunt or protecting himself with demonic cultivation.

He had had no idea that the situation was severe to this point, no wonder Lan Wangji was worried enough that he would never leave Wei Wuxian's side. He even spoke so much just now, Lan Qiren had never heard this many words from him at once. The gravity of situation truly must have warranted it.

Now he could only be asking himself if Wei Wuxian had known about how frail his body was and that he would be giving up perhaps way more than he had asked for. And if he had, why had he still gone through with the operation? It was not as if Lan Qiren or anyone else would have been mad at him or resent him because he had not tried to look for a solution hard enough!

With his heart aching, Lan Qiren abandoned the idea to go visit his younger nephew and his husband and instead turned his back to the Jingshi. He had work to do; he had to go check with the healers for some body strengthening tonics. And also to the Library pavilion to see if there were any special cleansing techniques or those that could prevent or at least limit negative effects of resentful energy. He needed to help somehow or he would not be able to be at peace with himself or look Wei Wuxian in the eyes, he owed so much to him. 

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