Chapter 13

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Lan Qiren was waiting for Wen Ning to prepare him a cup of tea. He had come with a specific goal today, his determination was strong, but he was still afraid of it not being enough. If he did not manage to show his resolve clearly, he was sure that his offer would be rejected yet again.

Last time, he had had doubts and he knew he had not been ready. This time though, he had had sufficient time to consider all the options and implications. He was ready.

He had watched Wei Wuxian fading away for way too long actually, and Lan Wangji with him. Both young men were withering away and suffering without anyone doing anything to help. Not that they had not tried, but it had been to no avail. Until now that was. Lan Qiren had come today to change this.

After he had stopped regarding Wei Wuxian as only a troublemaker, a demonic cultivator who was sullying and corrupting his younger nephew, he had seen just how much he had been mistaken in the young man. In fact, he was doubting there was anyone kinder and of a purer heart than him in the whole world. He had just been paying for his unorthodox way of thinking, and the price the cultivation world demanded of him had been way too high. It was time for a change.

Wen Ning finished preparing tea, his fingers were a little too stiff and rigid for such a delicate task so it took him quite a while, just like that dreaded operation.

But Lan Qiren did not mind waiting. He was aware of what he had to prove to the other and he was actually grateful for the little break. He had already thought about everything he wanted to say in advance, he could not be a coward at the last minute. Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian had said it clearly, if he should have even a single regretful or doubtful thought, then he was not the right person to ever attempt what he came to propose.

Wen Ning now sat opposite to him and watched him with worried and curious eyes. During these past months of searching for a cure for Wei Wuxian, they had met too many times to count. Lan Qiren did not want to be presumptuous, but he would even say that they had become close enough to be able to call their relationship a friendship. A tentative one and one born out of necessity, all they shared was a common goal after all, but a friendship nevertheless. He could tell that the other was actually worried for him.

There was no tea in front of Wen Ning and Lan Qiren briefly pitied him. It must truly be hard living as a fierce corpse. In the same way as it would be hard losing his cultivation and spending the rest of his days as a normal person. But that was exactly the point which made Lan Qiren gather all his determination and come here today.

"Young Master Wen," he addressed the fierce corpse first, straightening his spine. His resolve was running strong, he was not going to back down no matter what. If Wen Ning would refuse to listen to him, he was determined to ask the head healer for assistance. The Dafan Wen sect doctor was now no longer the only one who knew how to carry everything out. "I came today with a request for you. Please hear me out until the end."

Wen Ning's expression did not change, but his eyes spoke volumes. After all this time, Lan Qiren had come to understand how to read them perfectly. Everything was looking fine for now, there was no rejection yet. Much like Wei Wuxian himself, the fierce corpse he had created and that everyone in the cultivation world feared, was nothing like the rumours suggested. It only took Lan Qiren a while to understand this and even longer to accept it.

"Of course, Master Lan," Wen Ning nodded stiffly, "please ask right away. I would be glad to help if I can assist you in any way."

So far so good, Lan Qiren thought, now for the more challenging part. He straightened his back just a little bit more and held his head high before presenting his request.

"I have observed Wei Wuxian for these past few months and I have come to hopefully understand him better. I owe him a great deal for saving Wangji. But," he accentuated the word, "I am not asking because of an obligation or a debt I believe I should repay. Please do not get me wrong in this point. I have seen the error of my ways in treating Wei Wuxian and I have actually come to like him quite a bit, he is Wangji's husband too. Perhaps you have already known but I have given them my blessing to officially become cultivation partners and I will support them is anyone claim differently."

Lan Qiren took a deep breath, steadying himself. He was glad Wen Ning did not interrupt him nor started asking questions until now. If anything, his eyes were pensive and perhaps even a little satisfied. That was good because now came the most difficult part. And Lan Qiren was ready to go to great lengths in order to prove his resolve.

"I am telling you all of this with one and only purpose in mind. I want you to understand that I have truly come to care about Wei Wuxian and honestly want to help him and give him what we had first took away from him. He should have his second chance together with Wangji. He should be as unrestrained as he wants, without worrying about his health. And I am prepared to go to any lengths to assure that he and my nephew would be able to enjoy just this."

Lan Qiren's gaze never left Wen Ning's eyes. That was how he could see understanding blooming inside of them at his words. The fierce corpse was sharp, he had already seen though Lan Qiren. But he still had to say this aloud, for the sake of both of them:

"Young Master Wen, I want you to perform a golden core transfer on me. I have had a long time to think and I came prepared today. You have rejected my offer in the past and I understand why. This will not be an issue anymore; I have made peace with myself. I have lived a full life and I have no regrets or doubts when it comes to this. I wish to live the rest of my life in retirement, gods know I am already too old to be able to take care of sect matters or educating younger generation. It is time for me to pass on the torch and enjoy some quite days."

He took another deep breath and stood up, followed by Wen Ning's serious eyes. He joined his hands and squeezed them together to the point it hurt. Everything was riding on the next words; he was nervous but not less determined and resolved than when he came through the door. He could only hope that he had managed to show his sincerity clearly.

Then, he bended his spine and bowed low to the fierce corpse: "Young Master Wen, I beg you. Help me save Wei Wuxian." 

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