Join our club!

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"Rise and shine! Rise and shine!"

My ringtone is terrible. My brother must've changed it for a prank. I'll have to fix it later. As I got up to change, a hand touched my shoulder. It was a shade. "OH GOSH GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed and ran out of my room, and rushed into my brothers room. "B/N, PLEASE HELP ME THERE'S A SHADE IN MY ROOM!" "Shade? Are you scared of shadows now?" My brother sighed. I forgot he couldn't see shades. "Oh, uh... It's just a prank! Just trying to get you back for that ringtone." I lied. "Well, that was a crappy prank. See you later afterschool." he replied. As he opened the front door to leave, I went into my room. The shade was sitting on my bed, minding his own business. 

Okay, just grab your clothes and run out of there. That's the plan. You tip toed over to your dresser, and slowly opened the cabinet. You kept your eye on the shade, to make sure he wouldn't tackle you. As you grabbed your uniform for school, you rushed out of your room a shut the door behind you. You went into the bathroom to change, and left.

Boy, am I glad it didn't do anything. I should probably tell Hiroomi about this too. "Y/N, who knew we took the same path to school?" I turned my head and saw Hiroomi. "Oh, good morning Hiroomi! I need to tell you something." I responded. "What is it?" Hiroomi asked. "You see.. This morning I woke up, I was about to change my clothes and... Well, a shade is now in my room." I nervously said. "Did it attack you?" Hiroomi asked. "No, it just sat on my table." I said. "Well, if it doesn't seem hostile, so I can deal with it afterschool. Anyways, which class are you going to first?" Hiroomi changed the subject. "Math, the worst one." I spat. "I agree, math is the worst. The entire thing is just numbers, and.. terribleness. Anyways, remember when I promised that I'd protect you from Izumi Nase?" "Yeah." "Well, in order to do that.." Hiroomi reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace and handed it to me. "That necklace will notify you and me if she's close by." "Oh, thank you. Uh.. how does it do that?" I wondered. "It'll start shining. The more it lights up, the closer she is." Hiroomi said.

Wow, he's going through a lot just to make sure I'm safe. "Hiroomi. I want to repay you for your kindness. Is there anything you want? I know how to cook well." I asked. Hiroomi stared at me, and grinned. "There is something.. That only you can do." He put his hand on my chin, and smiled. He was so close to me that I blushed, screamed inside. BANG! "Hiroomi, get your grubby hands off of her you pervert!" Mitsuki just slammed her bookbag into his head. "Ow.. Did you have to hit me?" Hiroomi sobbed. There was a big red bump where she hit him. "That's what you get for being a pervert. Anyways, we'll all be late if we don't start rushing to school. Hurry up!" Mitsuki started rushing towards the school. I checked my watch, and saw that there was only 5 minutes until class started. "Holy cow! We need to get going!" I grabbed Hiroomi's hand and dragged him along.


"Haaah.. Made it.. in time.." I mumbled. I sat down in my seat, exhausted from running. "Hey.. You're Y/N, right?" A girl with pink hair and glasses walked over to my table. "Uh, yeah. I'm Y/N. And you are?.." "I-I'm Mirai Kuriyama. I just.. Have not many friends, and none of them are in my classes. Do you think you could be my friend?" She nervously asked. She was so cute, how could I say no? "Of course, I'd love to!" I rejoiced. She smiled, and that just made her even more adorable. The bell rang, ending our conversation.

"Alright class. Today we'll be taking a test!"

Everybody groaned.


Finally, lunch time. The only time in the school day to relax. Well, not entirely, since Bella is more energized than I. 

"Y/N, lucky meeting you here! I have something to ask you."  Hiroomi said.

"Oh, hey Hiroomi. Do you need something?" I asked.

"Yep. So, I've been thinking. We don't have many people in the literature club, and I think you'd be perfect for it!" Hiroomi exclaimed.

Literature club? Well, I haven't join any clubs yet. Plus, I've got nothing else to do. Why not?

"Sure, I'd love too." I said

"Perfect! See you afterschool, you can fill out the form then." Hiroomi cheered.

"Wait, you still haven't told me how to repay your kindness. Mitsuki kind of cut us off... And, I don't think just joining the club will really balance it out..." I claimed.

"I'll tell you later." Hiroomi raced off.

Great, I got to wait until afterschool to know what he wants to tell me again. 

"Y/N, c-can I sit with you please?" Mirai asked.

I had no idea she was there, she scared me!

"Of course! My friend Bella will be with us too, if you don't mind."



I slid open the doors and saw Hiroomi sitting down, probably just waiting for me.

"Hey, you finally got here! So, here's the paper. Thanks a bunch for joining the club!" Hiroomi exclaimed.

"No problem, anyways.. How do you want me to repay you?"

As I filled out the sheet, Hiroomi put his hand on my chin again, to force me to look at him. 

Too close.

Way too close.

He then put his head even closer, I blushed hard and gulped.

"What I want from you... Is to fall in love with me."

A New Perspective (Hiroomi Nase x FEM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now