Get Behind Me

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I start panicking, sweating from nervousness. I scan the area to see if I can locate exactly where she is. I look forwards again and see we're at a dead end. Hiroomi stops, and picks me up.

"Hiroomi- what are you doing!?"

He jumps on the roof of the house infront of us. How did he do such a high jump? Even while carrying me?

"I'm taking you to a safe place." Hiroomi said

His expression was focused, and determined.

"Hiroomi, what are you doing?"

I turned my head, and... Nobody was there. Hiroomi didn't seem to flinch either.

"Hiroomi, didn't you hear that?" I asked

"No, what did you hear?" Hiroomi said

"Somebody called out your name. Are you sure you didn't hear it?"

"No. I didn't."

Hiroomi kept running.

"So, where are you taking me?"

"Away from her."

"So you don't have a plan?"


That's reassuring. He's just winging it, which makes me narrow my eyes at him. He gives me a nervous smile, and continues to run. He jumps down onto the road, and puts me down.

"We should be far enough. But, if we give our location away she'll fine us easily again. It could be a coincidence that she was close, but we should take a chance." Hiroomi said.

Hiroomi knocks on a door of an apartment.

"Whose apartment is this?" I asked.

"Akihito's. I'm pretty sure you've met him from the literature club."

The door opens, and it is in fact Akihito.

"Why are you here?" Akihito asked.

"Uhhhh-" Hiromi stopped, and grabbed my hand.
He dragged me inside, uninvited.

"Hold on, don't just walk into my apartment!" Akihito said in protest.

I couldn't get out of Hiroomi's grasp, so I guess I'll just invite myself in. I felt a little bad. But again, it's either this or the possibility of dying. I stood uncomfortably at the idea of death. Hiroomi patted my shoulder, assuring me I'll be safe with him.

"So, are you going to explain why you just barged in?" Akihito spat.

"Well, we're bored." Hiroomi lied.

"If you're just going to barge in, I'm going to want something in return. Y/N, put these glasses on!" Akihito persisted.

Akihtio handed me blue framed glasses. I looked at him confused, and he was staring directly into my soul pleading I put them on. It creeps me out, but I do so anyway.

"Hmm.. Maybe frameless glasses would work better?" Akihto wondered.

He picked up frameless glasses from his table, and gave it to me. I tried them on and he gave me a dissatisfied look. Again, creeping me out. He then handed me pink framed glasses. Hiroomi sighs, giving me a sign that it's going to be a while. Akihito opens a drawer and it shows atleast 30 pairs of glasses.

"Do you even wear glasses?" I said wondering.

"Nope!" Akihito said

"Then why do you-"

"Now try these on."

This is going to be a long day.

Sorry that this was a short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer! Love you! <3

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