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   It's already Saturday. Dang, time passed by fast. You look up at the clock. 2 PM. 
I'm sitting on the couch watching the news. I usually just ignore it, and read something while watching the news. This might be the reason why I find out about stuff months after the event happened. Maybe I should start listening to the news more often to be updated on the.. 'trends'.

I get up, unamused by the show. Absolutely nothing of interest was on. The only good thing about it was there were little kitties, but they showed them for like 2 frames. Waste of time watching the news to be honest. I decide to make myself a sandwich. I finish up eating it, and check social media.

Again, nothing of interest. Just a bunch of controversies. Some cool animations..
I close my phone, only for it to start ringing. I sigh and pick it back up. And of course, Hiroomi was calling me. Great.

I pick it up, ready for the worst.

"Hey, you picked up!" Hiroomi said.

"Yeah." I said 

"Sooo.. What have you been up to??"

"I've done nothing really."

"Do you want to come over for today? Izumi won't be back for the rest of the day because of business or something."

"Sure, I'd love to!" 

"Awesome. I want to show you something. Oh, and I'll text you my address."

"Great, I'll be on my way soon!"

I hung up, and got the notification of his home address. I finally get out of my pajamas, and got moving. When I got there, I knocked on the door. I heard somebody walking over, and opened the door.

"Hey, nice to see you!" Hiroomi exclaimed.

He motioned for me to come in, and I smiled.

"So, what did you want to show me?" I asked.

"Well.. Follow me to the backyard." 

I followed him to the backyard, and he picked up his scarf. He throws it, and uses it as a weapon similar to that one time he used it against that shade.

"So. Since Izumi is after you, I thought it'd be beneficial for you to learn how to use your powers."

That's reasonable. If she ever came after me and nobody was there to help, I'd have to defend myself. Plus, it'd be pretty cool if I could use weird powers like him.

"Okay.. How do I use them?" 

"First, I want to give you a rundown. These powers are used to fight shades, so never use them against humans unless if you're forced. For example, Izumi." He paused. "These powers vary from person to person. So you probably won't be able to use a scarf as a weapon like me. Anyways, give it a try."

"How do I activate them?.." I asked

"It's kind of hard to explain.. But it's kind of just a feeling. Try to do something, like punch the air while concentrating on creating something."

I punch the air, and nothing happened. I frowned. I try again, but it didn't work again. This time I kicked the air. Nothing.

"Hmm. Try kicking the ground?"

I gave it a try, but nothing happened again. How am I supposed to get some feeling like he said? That's impossible. I looked at my hands, disappointed. Hiroomi patted my shoulder, and told me I could do it. I gained some confidence back, and kicked the ground again. Much harder. A little sprout popped up, and I looked back at  Hiroomi with sparkling eyes.

"LOOK!" I was ecstatic.

"Hey, you did it!!" Hiroomi beamed. "Now, all you have to do is grow that power. Haha, grow." He chuckled at his own joke.

"Okay!" I said.

I kicked the ground again, and the sprout grew into a tree. I stared, breathing hard. I guess this whole power thing took up a bunch of my energy.

"Awesome! Now try to make the tree go away." Hiroomi said.

I can do that? Well, I guess I can't really just keep a random tree in his backyard. It's crazy how I can do that. I went up to the tree and high fived it. It didn't work. I tried kicking the ground, imagining the tree becoming a sprout again. The tree shrunk, and became a sprout.

"I did it again!!" I exclaimed, happy I already figured out my powers. 

"Awesome! Let's take a break. You seem to be tired." Hiroomi said.

I noticed I was, my arms and legs felt a little weak, and I was breathing heavy. I nodded, and followed him inside.

Hiroomi took some food out, all snacks, and put them on the table. 

"Pick out what you want." He said.

I picked up some crackers, and he got some too.

"Want to watch TV for a little?"

"Sure." I said.

We went to the living room, and sat on the couch. He gave me the remote and said I can pick out a show, and I chose my favorite show. For the rest of the day we watched TV and played cards (I lost every time) and then I went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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