Things You Do

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Antonio and Jean-Paul

Antonio likes when you play with his hands sometimes it's boredom other times it's unconsciously and most times it's when you shouldn't like in class or on a mission comparing sizes, drawing around it with your finger, making shapes he loves it

Jean-Paul likes watching you fight although he will complain about how you're doing this or that wrong he thinks it's cool how you fight it's kinda like dancing but you're still kicking butt
You're even moving your head like you're hearing music


The way you calm him down when he's starting to look like he was going crazy
Sitting him down
Pulling him down to you
Running your fingers through his hair
Talking to him without using words that seem to trigger him


When you wear his clothes
Whether it's too big or too small it's fun to watch you walk around in his trench coat and hat acting like you're him


When you talk about anything and everything you like or find interesting
It could be about a neat thing a certain bug can do and he's just listening, smiling, and adding on to it like it's so much fun talking about it

Mime Bomb

The way you take his make up off so gentle and loving
The way you look at him like he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen
When you're done you put everything down, hold his face in both of your hands and say
'There you are' in the most loving voice before you kiss him

Neal the eel

The way you hold him and tell him things you like about him
He's so used to people saying things they don't like about him
•How annoying his voice is
•How ugly he is
•How he talks way too much
•How they hate his accent
•How over all strange he is
But then every now and then you hold him or he'll hold you
(It's mostly you holding him)
And saying he's so cute or beautiful, his accent is weirdly charming, you love his voice, you love talking to him


Whenever you randomly hold on to his arm like- even when you should be doing something else you're holding on to him like he's gonna disappear if you let go
Most times you don't even realize you're doing it until he pokes at you and starts talking

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