\\ Chapter 2 // Eris //

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Her alarm clock blared jolting Eris up. She wasn't usually a morning person but she was anxiously excited for her first day at Hawkins high. she opened her bedroom window clasping a burn between her teeth before taking a long drag into the cool winter air, It was perfect. She was so happy. The girl shut her window and was greeted by the smell of eggs and bacon. Although she didn't plan on eating because of her nerves she was content with the comforting smell.

She planted her feet on the cool floor as the door knocked, revealing a smiling Joyce who planted a kiss on her forehead and wished her good luck on her first day before she dashed off to work.

Eris tamed her dark knotted hair which thankfully sat straight on her shoulders, she applied a small amount of blush and mascara, until he was content with her appearance. She folded her loose mum jeans revealing her brown striped Adidas trainers and white socks that matched. She paired this with a white tank top that tucked in around a chunky leather belt at her waist - the top made her boobs look amazing. She frowned in the mirror her eyes cascading over her body and then to the window across from her. The sky was becoming a dark grey and the wind was picking up. Great, she rolled her eyes, engulfed. herself in a baggy patterned wool jumper that covered the attractive top. you look great she convinced herself unwillingly as the nerves ached in the back of her throat once again. ensuring to take her medication in order to calm her nerves and obtain her good mood. She was ready to go.

[time skip to arriving at school]

She and Jonathan hopped out of his ancient car as the cool air smacked against her cheeks causing them to go a dark crimson. Should have brought a jacket she thought feeling a shiver run down her spine. she was met with the gaze of a hundred eyes, as a low whisper spread across the car park as more people looked over at the new girl. Eris shook her head attempting to ignore them as a knot began to tighten in her stomach.

the two teenagers began to make their way to the school's entrance, when suddenly out of nowhere a flash of blue swung around the corner, nearly knocking Eris off her feet. she grabbed onto Jonathan's arm regaining her balance as she began to quicken - she could feel an attack of panic building in her throat. She had to stop it - some cock of a driver was not going to ruin this day. Before she knew it she was shouting a loud


at the car that was now circling the car park, she paired her insult with one of her polished middle fingers. The driver took little notice replying by honking back at her. she was surprised that they heard her all over the world and heavy rock music.

Before she was able to recover from her sudden outburst she felt two arms around her neck. She quickly swung her head around meeting the dark eye of the jelled haired boy.


she shouted drawing him into a tight hug "I can't believe your here!" he exclaimed ending the hug and looking her in the eyes she could see the sympathy within them but it was masked by a large grin. without warning another pair of hands were wrapped around her


she met the gaze of nancy who grinned excitedly at her.

"I missed you so much! how are you doing?!"

The 3 of them laughed as they walked the girl to the office - Nancy and her linked arms while steve dropped his bicep over her shoulder. Poor Jonathan trailed slightly awkwardly next to them. It turned out Nancy had first-period English with her and they waved goodbye to the boys as making their way to the classroom, linking arms excitedly once again.

"So... has the triangle ended?"

Eris whispered smiling at Nacy as they walked. The two frequently phone called and Eris was well aware of the secret love triangle that had consumed Nancy.

All yours // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now