05- Dr. Brenner

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in the California Lab

Heathers pov:

as I woke up I felt as if my whole world has fallen apart. So many questions go though my head but the main on is, what happened to my mom?

someone barges into my room in the middle of me being zoned out, He looked to be the old dude I talked to yesterday. "009 are you ready to go to the rainbow room?" the old man says, I remember from yesterday that I have to call him 'papa'. "papa, what is a rainbow room?" I say confused because I don't know what that could be. "the rainbow room is where all your brother and sisters are. it is also where we will test you abilities." he says acting like I should have known that. sisters? brothers? I don't remember have any siblings other then my brother. As a agree to go to the rainbow room, I see multiple numbered off doors 001....002.....003. In the middle of me counting them I was told that there was 9 of us, me being the newest but also one of the oldest.

we finally made it to these double doors at the end of the hallway, and papa opens them. everyones eyes were on me, I felt so awkward.

 I was still not comfortable at this place at all I mean I was just ripped away from my only family member left and I dont even know if she's ok, I missed her. as I walk up to someone she looked to be 003, I ask her " do you know what im supposed to do here?" I didn't know what any of these meant for me to use my powers wit. The girl then says "follow me" and I did as she said. 

she walked over to this table with a marble maze in it she tells me to try to move the marble with my mind, and to focus hard on it. I did as she said, I think I failed because I heard her sigh when I only could move it a bit before getting really tired. My nose started to bleed but she said thats normal and with some practice ill get better like her. The she shows me her trying and getting it all the way to the middle, she still looked fine while I looked so warn out. I mean I am just new to all of this.

after an hour of practice in the rainbow room me and 003 became close she was a year younger then me but I didn't care. Papa then soon walked in say we had our first test. 

"today, we are going to play a game. the rules are quite simple. stay in you circle. if you leave your circle, you lose. the last person standing in their circle will get to spend an extra hour of free time in the rainbow room."he said while drawing circles on the floor with sticks and chuckling a little. "Now, even though we are going to be competing against one another... Two" he calls out for him to get into one of the circles, "six" he says for her to get in the other circle. " I don't want you to approach this any differently than one of our tests." 

as he said that 2 workers started to put blind folds on 002 and 006, all I could think while watching this happen is how would they see the other person or move than without touching them? ohhh yeah I forgot the whole 'power thing' since it's all so new to me.

 "now this is very important, if you allow anger or emotion to invade your thoughts, you will fail. I promise." papa says then asking if we understood which everyone said yes too.

so im guessing whatever I did to Jennifer, is what im supposed to do now. But all these kids have so much more practice so I wont be mad if I lose.

papa then tells 006 and 002 to begin. I watched closely to get more strategies. as 006 lifted his hand to start push 002, 002 just moves 006 out of the square without doing anything with his hands, he just looked angry, and 006 looked frightened by him. I could tell from just that first go 002 was the strongest here.

"very good 002" says papa, I started to tense up and get scared after seeing that go down. "number six, take a seat at the door." papa says to 006 looking unimpressed with her. 

as 006 walked to the door sad for losing the next number was called "003, please come up its your turn." papa said as my friend 003 looked scared to be next up. as she walked up and the worker put her blindfold on, she failed right away and went to sit with the other.

after everyone else went it was finally my turn 002 was still the winner, he seemed to be thinking of something that made him mad because every time she wins he looks so anger. So I tried that.

 I thought Jennifer and all the horrible run things she called me like fat, a cow, a klutz, and all the dad 'jokes' she said. But I also thought of whoever killed 2 of the only people who care for me in this world my dad and brother. all this anger took over me I felt enraged. We stayed in our circles for a long time but I gave up, I felt so tired.

Papa then said "good try 009, for your first u did great" but why didn't I feel great I told him I had a headache and was wondering if I could go back to my room, he agreed sending me off with ones of the workers. A little later I fell asleep.

-2 years pass, Heather would have graduated this year. But when your 18+ in the lab you have to be transferred and become a worker somewhere else. Heather was assigned Hawkins Lab as a rainbow room worker. Heather Is also now the top in her bunch but was given a chip in her neck so she could not use her powers while working-


at Hawkins Lab

henrys pov:

since I was the first kid at Hawkins Lab I didn't transfer because before more kids came it was just me. 001 was a legend at Hawkins but I knew the truth. I had just became one of the workers when Dr. Brenner calls me to his office.

I start walking to his office and when I get there I close the door behind me. "we have a new rainbow room worker coming today, her name is Heather, Heather spring." Dr. Brenner says. Heather? like my old neighbour? my face turns white when I hear her name come out of his mouth.


A/n: im sorry for not writing in awhile school work is pilling up. Also I've had bad writers block but i'm better now, kinda. finally they're meeting up again, but Henry can't say he's Henry he has to stay as Peter. but will Heather recognize him or not???

im honestly so happy with this chapter even though its kinda rushed

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