you're all mine now

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warning: mommy kink

"Common baby, come with me. I don't wanna leave you here all by yourself," he said, walking out of the bathroom and putting his shirt on.

"I already told you it's okay; I have no problem staying here. You can go."

"I know I can go, but I want you to come with me," He walked closer to the bed and sat down next to me. I put my book down and turned to look at him fully.

Harry has been bugging me about going with him to Mitch's party since this morning, and even though I've told him plenty of times I want to stay home, he doesn't want to take the hint.

"I don't have anything to wear," I said, looking at him. It was true, but it wasn't entirely true either.

"No, don't do that to me," he sighed. "You always say you don't have anything to wear when your closet is full of clothes. Come on, I'm helping you choose something. You're coming with me regardless."

He got up and went straight to our walk-in closet, and I followed behind. He was right; our closet was mainly full of my clothes. I always used this excuse whenever I didn't want to go somewhere, and he caught on. Sadly.

He started searching through all of my hanged-up dresses. He stopped when he saw a silk silver mini dress, the one he bought me ages ago and only wore once.

"I think this is it," He said, handing the dress to me and walking to my huge pile of shoes.

"Harry, what type of party is this?" I asked, confused, looking at what he was wearing and back to the dress he had just given me.

He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and his white vans and a white buttoned up white short sleeve.

"What do you mean?" He asked, still looking for a good pair of shoes.

"Why are you wearing that, and I'm wearing this?" I said, showing him the dress.

"Because why not?"

He got up and handed me a pair of black lace-up heels. I walked out of the closet and to the room.

"Now get changed; we have fifteen minutes."

"Alright, boss," I said sarcastically, and he chuckled.

I finished changing and went into the bathroom to put on some makeup. Once I was done, I brushed my hair and walked out of the bathroom. Harry was sitting on the bed with my purse on his lap and looking down at his phone.

"I'm ready," I said, getting his attention.

"You look gorgeous, m'love," he said, getting up and walking toward me.

"Yes, I know, thanks," I said, dodging his kiss while laughing and walking out the room.

"You could at least act excited, y'know, and maybe stop being a little brat," he said, giving my ass a soft slap.

I smiled and turned to grab my purse from him. We got in the car and made our way to Mitch's house.

We spent the whole ride talking about his upcoming shows and how he would be away from home for a while. He kept insisting on me going with him, but I refused. I couldn't stop going to work to follow my rockstar boyfriend. I mean, I could, and I wanted to, but I didn't want to depend on him with my jobless ass.

"You can just quit, y'know," He said, looking at me and looking back to the road.

"Yes, I know I can just quit, but I don't want to."

"Are you sure that's what it is?" He asked, putting his hand on top of my thigh.

"Yes," I lied.

"I can tell you're lying, baby."

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