21 | I Knew

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It's been over two months since Lin started fostering Aaron. A little over two weeks since the Friendsgiving incident and just twenty minutes since an annoyed-looking Lin had to come into the principal's office to get Aaron.

He was at an important interview when he got a call from the school. Apparently, Aaron got into a fight with a group of students and is now being punished with a three-day suspension.

Mr. Thomas had to call in Lin because Aaron refused to say a word about what happened. He knows this is out of character for her, but if she stays silent he can only go with what the other students involved say.

Unfortunately for Aaron the groups she got in a brawl with were all friends, so they teamed up against her. The teachers that broke it up, only caught a glimpse of the action, so they couldn't advocate for either side as they didn't see who antagonized it.

It was three versus one. Aaron stood no chance and received the same punishment as everyone else despite being the odd one out.

So, she is sitting in a dull office chair with scratches on her arms and an ice pack pressed up against her eye. She already knew that it would turn into a black eye sensing it is already swollen.

The other girl's parents were quick to pick up their kid and jump on their side, sending irritated and judgemental looks toward the teen as they walked by.

It made Aaron feel smaller than she already was. She was devastated knowing that Amber and her little group got to her. Violence was never the answer and she knew that more than anyone else, but when someone says the cruel and hurtful things that group did along with weeks of getting shoved into lockers and belittled every day, something snaps.

For Aaron, she was tired of feeling more worthless than she already felt. The clock kept ticking by and the only thing on her mind was why she wouldn't just speak up.

Now, Lin is having to put a halt in his schedule to come and clean up her mess yet again, making Aaron feel like more of a burden every minute.

Lin says goodbye to Greg and immediately tells Aaron to get into the car. He can't even bear to look her in the eyes. Although he is concerned about her wellbeing, he is mostly disappointed.

Hearing Greg talk about how she got into a fight and wouldn't even say a word about it later makes him furious. He doesn't have the time to unravel the situation as he is running on a tight schedule.

Sending a message to the group asking if anyone was free to watch Aaron for the afternoon, he takes a deep breath before facing the culprit. If he was being honest with himself he didn't really trust Aaron to be home alone at the moment.

On the way to the car trailing behind the teen, he gets a very quick reply from Pippa saying that Tyler is out on a business trip and that she is more than happy to care for the child.

After getting in the car, he asks Aaron if she has anything to say for herself. Getting no response except a head turned towards the window, he quickly pulls out of the garage and heads to Pippa's apartment.

The car ride is dead silent.

Lin tried to wrap his mind around the conversation and actions of Aaron, while Aaron cursed herself mentally.

It didn't take long for everyone at Central Park High to figure out that she, along with Noah, and Issac were foster kids. After always walking to and from school together along with seeing the same varieties of outfits every week, they quickly put two and two together.

Although the three of them have found a temporary foster home, for the time being, it still doesn't stop the kids that want to hurt them from the ammo of harsh words and evil jokes.

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