The Meeting

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Prussia's POV

The Prussian stared down at the map neatly laid out on the table awaiting for the other country. The Austrian Empire spoke "Do you really think he'll come?". I shook my head

"I doubt it, he seemed fairly busy" the Austrian was getting bored "why wait then?"

"I still have hope" the door then open with the Russian there "sorry I'm late!" (Not historically accurate deal with it) "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?" Yelled the Austrian

Clearly would have preferred him be there earlier, the Russian shrugged it off acting as if he did nothing wrong. I wanted to start the meeting so we started talking about invading the polish guy.

We all came to the agreement about who gets what of the territory and when the invasion started. Personally I would have preferred invading the Austrian although it was foolish to do so. The Austrian left first leaving me alone with the Russian.

I started at him with the corner of my eye never actually getting a good look at him, I felt my cheeks feeling a little warm realizing it was blush I quickly turned the back of my head towards him. Luckily for me he didn't notice, it would have been real embarrassing if he had. For some reason he just stayed there not leaving

He spoke "you're shorter than I thought" was he serious!? Out of all the things he could of said he said that!? Me having short temper yelled at him "ICH BIN-" he spoke over me "woah woah calm down there, I was joking" he smiled a nice smile that made me unsure wether he was mad at him still or just wanted to leave.

Embarrassed I started walking pass the Russian towards the door but he grabbed my arm looking down at me, "HEY!!" He grabbed my face with his hand while his finger went over my mouth, looking at me with interested it seemed.

Prussia x Russian empireWhere stories live. Discover now