A Locked Heart

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Prussia's POV

I heard footsteps approaching, I put my hand on my head then looked at my hand to see blood 'whoever hit me must of wanted me out huh' the guy that approached was familiar but at the same time wasn't, I took a good look at the guy trying to make out where I knew him then it hit me, this was Russian empire's brother!

I asked what he wanted from me and responded with

"Ah nothing much sweet Prussia, I just want you dead for what you made my brother do"

"W-what? I didn't do anything!"

"Ah but you did, you broke his poor heart, he's now neglecting his family"(dunn dunn dunnnnnn) 

I stared at him in astonishment "I-I... I did none of the sort!"  I tried thinking of what happened before this guy kidnapped me... wait, this guy was neglecting his brother not the other way around, I remember the Russian empire begging and asking his brother why he ignored him, I had walked by when it happened

"If he is ignoring you, I had nothing to do with it, you ignored him first, you can't be talking!" 

The cell opened and later was meant with screams

German Empire's POV

"U-uhm" (I'm to lazy to make it bold letters I want this out)

"M-Mr Empire?"


"I-I need help sir"

"With?" The other kid looked at me and said

"Ooh I remember you know! Your that one kid on the streets"

"U-uh ich still need h-help"

"What do you need kid?"

"They took papa! He was bleeding and and.. and h-he" the German started to cry

Russian Empire's POV

I hugged the poor kid not able to understand him 

"Woah, slow down, tell me slower"

"Th-these people c-came in and took P-papa, he w-was b-bleading and wasn't moving"

I was in shock

"Okay stay here with my son I'll look for him, okay?"


A couple hours of investigation I found where the blood trail led, it went into a bunker in the woods, I brought out my gun and went in, I heard bloody screeching. After a couple minutes I followed the screech and looked over the corner what I saw it was just....

Prussia had both legs broken and arms tied and was being beaten by my brother with a metal stick(normally would have killed a human but they ain't legit humans sooooo) I was horrified, i wanted to run but I held my ground, I pointed my gun at my brother from the corner, I hesitated, he was still my brother but... fuck it, I shot the bullet and it hit his back, I shot him more times and then ran over and knocked him out, I turned to Prussia untying his hands and putting him on my back, Prussia bit his lip trying hard not to scream in pain

Prussia's POV

There was blood in my one eye I could see with, so everything was blurry, I couldn't make out who had saved me, my hearing was really bad from when the brother had hit my head, all I knew was to trust this guy and hope for the best after a minute that felt like hours I passed out 

I woke up later feeling better but when I tried to walk I feel remembering what happen to my legs, I sighed and tried my best to get back on the bed, I was successful but it hurt like an ass on a stick. Later empire came in and asked if I was okay, he looked worried, I said I was fine and look down at my legs

"W-what happened?"

"My brother happened"

He gave me some food 

"I uh um.. shout for me if you need me" he left the room

I was to tired to speak anymore, to tired to eat as well, I laid back and let the darkness consume me.

Later I woke and took in everything that happened and realized that empire saved me, I was actually shocked, I hated him and showed it a lot why did he save me.. oh well, I'll figure out later

(Sorry if this is short)

Prussia x Russian empireWhere stories live. Discover now