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Russian Empire's POV

I looked at the Prussian 'damn, sharp teeth ay' the Prussian tried to bite my hand but I quickly pulled away. I smiled trying my best to not be hesitant and to not blush. I pat his head trying to piss him off and he yells at me saying "OH GO FU*K YOUR SELF" his accent rising up. I responded saying "only if you watch~" the Prussian was disgusted and he attempt a punch out of anger but I grabbed his fist. I start leaving the building knowing I pulled his last straw and got what I wanted as he yelled at me in his native language. I giggled while leaving.

Prussia's POV

'I swear I'm going to kill that guy' and started cussing him out in my head, after a couple minutes I went home to see my son (asexually produce don't ask) the German empire, "hello my son, how are you" he spoke "I'm doing fine! I made a new friend as well Papa!"

"Ah, and who may that be Riechtangle?"


"Isn't that Austrian empires kid?"

"Mhm!, he's a meanie but AH isn't!"

"That's nice to hear little one, now I've had an exhausting day today, go play outside or something"

"Okay papa" he ran out the door

German Empire's POV

I ran outside to see 2 men fighting, 'papa said I shouldn't interfere with conflict but never said I couldn't watch did he? Hehe' I hid in a bush to see what the men were fighting about

1 "look man, we need do get rid of the ruler and his son soon before something bad happens"

2 "hell no, killing him and his son will lead to anarchy and we don't need that"

1 "fine then just the father"

2 "no! The son will look for our heads"

'Ich need to tell Vater about dis... wait Vater said he was tired and not to wake him.... But dis ist important.. oh Ich know! Ich will tell der Guard' I ran out of the bush and the men saw me and started chasing me, I didn't realize how far away the palace was till I started running, I saw a tall country, knowing he might as well have been my last option I hid behind the tall figure tears in my eyes  "help bitte!" The man look down at him pat his head and turned to the men 

"Do we have a problem here? Because if we do I will gladly take your head off and put it on a stick in front of somebody's house, got it?"

Both shake their head and ran away

"D-Dankeschön sir"

"No problem kid, what's your name hm?"

"G-German empire.."

"Arn't you Prussia's kid?"

"Mhm! Do you know my Vater?"

"Да(yes) although he may not appreciate me"


"I piss him off a lot"

"Well if du return me Ich bin (I am) sure he'll like du better!"

"Eh, perhaps, perhaps not"

"Wait, ich never got du name"

"Ah да, my name is Russian Empire"

(Okay so hear me out, all the words that arnt English I knew besides Österreich-Ungarn, I translated that, but if I got something wrong please tell me, no this isn't historically accurate, I hope someone see's this because this is my first story and I'm really enjoying writing it lol, have a good day/night people) 

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