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Prussia's POV

I woke up naked in me and R.E's bed, had a massive headache and saw some white cream colored stuff.... 'Oh shit, no I didn't did i? Oh fuck' I quickly got up and showered and got into my uniform and walked down stairs to see R.E tied to a chair and the 2 children yelling at him with detective hats on 'the fuckkk' I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.

The children ran over my son hugged my leg and the other kid just watching next to him

G.E "did he hurt dich Vater?"

P- "Uhm Nein?"

Ussr- "then wat was dat swound and bweating swounds in your guys bed? You were swcreaming a bit."


G.E- "SHUSH, WE WANNA HEAR IT FROM VATER" he screamed back

P- "how about I talk to R.E privately?"

G.E- "what if he hurts you again?"

P- "I have a pocket knife I'll be fine" I lied

G.E- "okie, c'mon sovjet, let's go into the playroom!"

Ussr nodded and they ran away, my emotion of happiness turned to a cold glare at R.E

"What. Happened"

R.E- "so you drank a lot and uhm kinda begged me to do it..."


R.E- "НЕТ, what happened was I tried to tell you no but you wouldn't listen"


R.E- "I didn't want to hurt you though!"

Prussia couldn't argue with the fact he cared, 'he also did still love the man but he still cheated and agh why is it so confusing, wait I know! I can just Ban him from drugs and alcohol. I'm so smart' 

P- "I'll give you a second chance on ONE condition "

R.E- "hm?"

P- "no more alcohol, drugs and so on"

R.E- "but-"

P- "no but's"

R.E- "o-okay.. also can I please get out of this chair"

P- "hmmmm I could let you out"

R.E- "please~?"

P- "hmm.... Nein"

R.E just wiggle his arms out and stood up and untied the rope on his legs and walked over and hugged Prussia 

R.E- "thank you"

(I don't care if this chapter is short but next chapter is prob gonna be about WW1 and also the children didn't understand how love works or at least ussr didn't, so he grew up thinking that was wrong but forgot that Prussia was with his father because Prussia went back to his own house to protect their reputation but G.E was old enough to remember and hence he dated Austria- Hungary a 'gay' relationship, so G.E grew up seeing nothing wrong with it while Soviet did. The only time Soviet learned about the relationship was when he was a teenager and when he was causing revaluation he walked in on the 2 kissing. And for nazi, One of G.E's many sons, he grew up against it because he never knew AH was his other parent and stuff, all he knew was he was more of an uncle, I'll prob make a book about my head cannons but maybe not, but if someone gives me an idea about these 2 I'll write it)

Prussia x Russian empireWhere stories live. Discover now