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Russian Empire's POV

I walked the kid back to the palace to make sure he's safe, I don't want Prussia at my throat again, after 5 minutes we get there and saw Prussia yelling at a guard.

German empire: "HEY PAPA IM BACK!"

Prussia: "German empire, where were you!?"

German empire: "Ich was outside Vater"  the child was clearly nervous.

Prussia: "when I said outside I meant in the flower bed or by the trees, not in the  city!"

Russian Empire: "Prussia, calm down, he is only a child, let the young boy explore"

Prussia stared at me anger in his eyes


German empire: "Vater calm down, he saved me from bad guys!"

Prussia started at me with less hatred in his eyes and muttered thanks loud enough for me to hear, he was clearly embarrassed , he dragged the child in the palace as I walked away.

Prussia's POV

I dragged my son into the palace embarrassed for some reason 'why was I embarrassed when mein Sohn said he saved him... why was he so annoying and such a.. a ah f*ck never mind'

I sent mein Sohn to his room and sat down thinking 'why am I attracted to that little bitch??? I hate him he is annoying but... he did save mein Sohn ich guess... ughhhh' all of a sudden he felt something go over his mouth and then hit by behind, I don't know what happen I guess I thought someone assassinated me, I didn't try to wake up thinking I was dead then I remembered my son so I tried my best to wake but failed, after a while I finally woke up in a prison like room, I started to panic 'where am I? Who took me?! Is my son okay!?' I was panicking looking for a way out... I heard foot steps starting to approach my cell

German Empire's POV

I woke up when I heard footsteps and strange men talking, I went to look out and saw them dragging my Vater, he wasn't fighting back, his eyes closed and some blood on his head and the floor... Was he dead!? I had no time to think as I heard footsteps approaching me, I ran into my room and jumped down, now yes this was risky but I landed in a tree with a bunch of branches so I only hurt my back a little, I then climbed the tree and made a run for it, into the city for help

After an hour I started getting dizzy, I couldn't find anyone I trust nor could I find guards or police (no I don't give a shit that police didn't exist back then but I don't give a fuck) I continued forward and I started tripping over my feet and then soon passed out, later I woke up in a bed with food and water next to me, careless as I was I ate and drank it quickly, I looked around trying to see who took me here and opened the door to see a hallway and 2 sets of stairs 'whoever this house belong to they were surely rich, I heard chatter so I snook to who was speaking and saw the guy who saved me last time playing with a red country, the country looked about 5 half my age and had yellow writing on his eye patch. I knew that the Russian empire would help me so i knocked on the door and they both turned to see me


Prussia x Russian empireWhere stories live. Discover now