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𝘗𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥: 06/24/22
𝘌𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥: 06/23/23

𝘗𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥: 06/24/22𝘌𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥: 06/23/23

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You decided to go to the mall to buy yourself some clothes or something for you since you haven't bought clothes in a long time

Also since today you don't work or have to do anything important

You had been at the mall for a while looking for some stores to go into

When you suddenly saw that people started running

You saw someone running near you and you stop them

"What going on!?" I asked

The man stuttered and panted "T-there's a fight"

A fight I don't know why people are overreacting there's always fights at the mall

"Thank you" I said

You where just about to leave the mall but curiosity was winning

Should I go check it out?
I do like seeing fights

I mean it's just a fight? I don't know why people are so worried

Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go check out the fight people where so worried about

You where walking to the direction people where running from but then suddenly

someone goes flying out of one of the stores

"What the fuck" you say with your eyes widen

Some other people came out of the store but they all had mask so I couldn't see their faces completely

I could only see some of their features

One of them had blonde hair that was down to his neck and he had lifted up his mask to uncover his mouth
Just so he could smoke a cigarette

Another one of them was a girl she had long orange pretty hair and was giving everyone orders, she was also halfway naked

The next one looked really familiar
she had long dark bluish hair that came out of her mask

"Hmm" I thought

The one beside her was this brownish man with a long nose and curly hair
he was also shaking saying "I-If the cops show up , I w-will beat all of them, with the h-help of my army"

Well he's stuttering so I could tell he was either lying or scared
Or probably both

While there was another one that looked really familiar too, I could see a strand of green hair coming out of where the wholes in his mask where
And his body shape looked like someone else's I had seen

The swords guy looks at me and his eyes widen and he made an "tsk" sound

He whispers something to the girl that had the blue hair

They both turned to look at me and the green haired guy says

"Boss You needa hurry up" while looking at the guys who where fighting

"Not yet I need to beat the crap out of this guy" says this black haired boy confidently

"Gomu gomu no pistol" he said as his arm stretches to the other guy and pinched him

"W-what the fuck" I said as I've never seen something like that

When The straw hat guy stretched his arm he had accidentally hit one of the bags the guy with the cigarette was holding

"HEY DON'T HIT MY CLOTHES YOU MORON" yelled the orange hair girl

"Call Franky to ask him where he parked sunny" the orange haired ordered the Guy holding the bags


While he was calling you turn to look at the fight again and saw the straw hat guy look at you

He just stared at you for a long time then he smiled widely

What the fuck? Do I smiled back?

Why is he kind of...
no y/n he's a criminal I can't think like that

"Looks like playtime is over" swords guy said looking behind me

I turn around and see cops running up to me, I turn around again but they weren't there anymore

I looked up at the ceiling and it was broken and I saw the straw hat guy running away

The only thing left was the guy that had lost the fight.

"SHIT THEY GOT AWAY" one cop yelled

"Hey lady where you with them" the cops said as they all gathered around me  pointing guns and swords at me

"AHHH AYOOO CALM DOWN I'm just a normal person" I panicked


"Today was a weird" I said as I put on my pj's

That guy was really cute even tho I couldn't see his face
but I can't say that!?he's a criminal and besides my grandma would freak out

something about them was really familiar but eh who cares probably just my imagination

"Ugh guess I just have to go to sleep"

"Goodnight Gojo" I turned around and see my Gojo cardboard cutout standing next to the window

I'm weird...

I'm weird

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