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𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚🤗


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"HURRY UP GUYS" Luffy jumped up and down
With his bracelet for a free pass to each ride at the fair shaking while he jumped

"Wait a minute luffy they are still getting their bracelets" Sanji's said Pointing to Zoro and some others at the line

"Ughhh I can't wait anymore I wanna go" he whined looking at all the rides

"Luffy we have a lot of time , it's not even that dark yet" Sanji said

It wasn't day either tho , the sunset was beautiful especially because of all of the lights of the fair

Before Sanji could even say anything else Luffy had already grabbed my arm and snatched me

"Why is he so stubborn" Sanji took his cigarette out of his mouth making smoke come out

"Which one should we go in first" Luffy said looking around

"I don't know , just don't pick a scary one" I said
The truth is I hadn't gone to the fair or any type of amusement park since I was like 10 and at that time I wasn't even able to go to all the rides because of my height

"Hm" luffy looked around the whole place

"THEY HAVE FOOD OVER THERE!" Luffy screamed and pointed to a food truck

completely forgetting about the rides

We walked to the food truck and Luffy ordered like 10 million things

We sat down in a little bench while Luffy stuffed his mouth with food

He took a bite of the corn dog that was on his right hand
Then took a bite of his fries with his left hand

It was like they where taking turns , first the corn dog then lufffy chewed for a second and then shoved the fries in his mouth

"Luffy I think you should slow down" I tapped on his shoulder

"I can't , I have to finish all of this before it gets cold" he turns around looking at a pile of food that was beside him

"You're going to end up throwing up" I heard Nami behind us

I turned around and saw everyone else coming our way

"Haters" Luffy said with his mouth full of food

We all sighed

Luffy's jaw dropped as he stared in front of him . He had a look of enthusiasm in his eyes

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