The end.

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𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡

Some stuff isn't gonna make sense in the beginning but you'll understand it later on in the chapter😁

Published : 06/21/23

Published :  06/21/23

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5 years later

My colleague closed the book I had written making a 'flap' sound as he slammed the book closed

"Wow [fake name] that's a really good book but what happened to y/n and Luffy in the end, did They die. You kind of left us in a cliffhanger?" my colleague asked handing me the book I wrote

"Thanks and NOBODY knows what happened to y/n, some say she's dead others say she's alive, but nothing is certain that's why I didn't finish it" I smiled taking the book away from him

"A-anyways your so cool , your a fashion designer and a book writer" he blushed scratching his neck

"Thanks" I laughed

"D-do you maybe think we could go out some time"he asked

I looked at him and said "no" and stuck my tongue out

"Why would you ask her that , you know she has a husband" another guy slapped him in the head

"Yeah and his last name is hotdog , right Mrs Hotdog" They teased me

'That fucking bitch I'm going to Kill him for giving me this dumbass last name'

"Still Better than your last name" I rolled my eyes

I was now one of the best writers and fashion designer from across the world

I had designed millions of stuff and I had published a book about the wife of the most dangerous criminal in the world

My name is (fake name) and my last name is unfortunately Hotdog

As I got out of the building the sunset hit the whole city making it look a beautiful orange color

I fixed my skirt and started walking when a boy stopped me

"M-may I take a picture" he asked

I smiled and nodded

The boy pulled out his phone and took a selfie and I just smiled and put up the peace sign

"T-thanks" the boy blushed and ran away

I smiled as he ran

"Wow all the attention boys give you kind of make me ... a bit jealous" I heard a voice coming from a dark alley

I turn around and My eyes lit up

The most beautiful boy I've know since I first saw him
His charming smile
His bravery
His kindness (eh only to me most of the time)

Luffy stood there leaning against a wall with his arms behind his back

"Also I didn't know you where that good at disguising yourself Miss"(fake name)"" He mocked my fake name

"Hey I'm going to beat your ass , you could've at least chosen a better last name " I smacked his shoulder

"What! it was the only thing I could think of at the moment " he scratched his head

I sighed "I knew I shouldn't have let you fill out the papers for our fake identities"

All Luffy did was just make the same heartwarming smile I've known since I first met

Luffy sighed "Awe man I wish we could go rob a bank like we used to"

I let out a laugh, that was so random

"You know I can't do any crime now , if they find out one of the greatest book writers and fashion designers robbed a bank they would do more than cancel me on social media" I explained

"I know but doing any type of crime doesn't feel the same without you" he frowned

I started rubbing his cheeked and laughed


"Oh I left them with Ace and Zoro" luffy picked on a bugger

"Now you know damn well those two don't know how to babysit for shit" I sighed

"Oh by the way I brought you these" he said finally taking his hands behind his back

He pulled out a big bouquet of my favorite flowers
"we should probably go home before Zoro gets lost and Ace starts teaching our kids how to twerk" Luffy laughed

I stared at Luffy and took the flowers from him and then hugged him

"Here let me carry that" Luffy said taking my purse and some other stuff I was holding

He winked at me and I let out a giggle

I turned around and started walking when I felt a sting on my butt cheek

Luffy smacked my ass


"I -I MEAN LUCY" I said forgetting his fake name

"So?" He shrugged

I stretched his face cheeks so far that they bounced back like a sling shot making his face jerk back

"Now you've done it" he said smirking at me with his cheeks red , he put my stuff down slowly and cracked his fingers

"No I was just playing" I laughed and started running away

He started chasing me and of course caught up to me and tackled me

People stared at us weirdly

He started tickling me "s-stop please this is embarrassing, what if paparazzi shows up"I laughed

"Fine" he said helping me get up

He went to get my stuff and I started fixing my outfit and hair

"Are you okay , did I hurt you?" Luffy asked

"No you didn't , I just haven't been tackled by you in a while" I laughed

He smiled at me and started ruffling my hair

That goddamn smile
he always has, it always makes me fold

I held his hand and he held mine back
Wrapping his fingers around my hand

He turned to look at me smiling
His raven hair was flying softly because of the wind

"Come on Luffy , let's go home"

⠔𝙏𝙝𝙚...𝙀𝙣𝙙 ♥ ⠑

𝙀𝙣𝙙 ♥ ⠑

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