Chapter 6 | Crush

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"Sit down while I make something to eat..." Naruto muttered, sniffling his nose. I nodded and went to sit on the couch, though I was still soaking wet.

"You love rice right?" Naruto asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah... It's my favorite," I smiled softly.

"Is that so? Great! I'm going to make lots of rice and ramen for us, and some tea, since you seem to be sick." He said. After a few moments, silence rose, and all that could be heard was the sound of rain hitting the roof of our apartment.

"You know..." Naruto began, shifting the pan left to right as he made some ramen. "I was confused as to why you left the key... Yours, I mean.." he said, this time more upset.

"I thought you were leaving for good... I was starting to panic." Naruto confessed, laughing nervously.

I looked towards the ground, watching water droplets from my hair drip to the floor. "You.. panicked?" I asked.

He nodded, not explaining why he panicked. I guess I'll never know after all.

He shifted the pan once again, leaving the sound of sizzling. "This time... Don't leave me like that," he pleaded. "I was worried sick that you were mad at me, because, well you know... The night before."

I shivered. "Oh..." I said, trying to find something to cover up with. Naruto seemed to notice because he stopped to come over.

"Here." He pulled off his jacked, and placed it around me. "You must be freezing after being out in 30 degree weather." Naruto smiled.

I love his smile. I wonder what makes him so happy all the time, though...

"T-thank you..." My face turned pink as I began to feel a bit warmer.

He went back to finishing the meal, soon bringing it back to the table. We both sat next to each other as we ate.

"Sasuke," he called out, his mouth full of ramen. After he swallowed, he finished his sentence. "Do you have a crush on anyone?" He asked, making my eyes widen.

"A crush?..." I mumbled, and he just nodded and laughed. "Yeah. Somebody you're in love with."

It's you idiot...

"I... Guess I do." I mumbled, taking another bite of rice. Naruto looked a little off now. "You do? Who is it?" Naruto asked curiously.

"I'm not saying," I laughed softly. "But I can describe them to you."

Naruto yelled yes and I just laughed. "Okay okay," I said, and he got quiet.

"The person I like...
Well, I guess they're not very similar to me in a lot of ways." I laughed, blushing.

"But... I do owe them my life," I smiled at Naruto. He didn't seem to get that I was talking about him.

"You do?" Naruto asked, very interested, but still seemed off, like he was upset.

"Yeah. They saved me after all." I chuckled. Naruto was silent, and it stayed that way throughout dinner.

"How did you get to know them?" Naruto asked after we finished dinner. "What?" I muttered, not realizing what he was talking about.

"Your crush... How did you get to know them?" He asked. "Ohhh.. off a limb I guess. They found me at my worst and helped me back up." I answered.

He gritted his teeth. "Yeah?" He set up his bed as we talked. He didn't say anything else the rest of the night.

I laid in bed, wondering why he hardly said anything. But I fell asleep too quickly, especially with the comforting feeling that I was home this time.


"Ngh," I slowly woke up to the sound of a shower running. He's showering. I laughed to myself, remembering when I barged in, not realizing he moved in yet.

I guess I'll have to wait until he's done.

I sat on the couch, waiting for Naruto to come out. I pressed the power button for the TV, and some drama came on, which intrigued me.

"Oh, you're awake." A voice said behind me, and when I turned, Naruto's shirt was off, he was dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel in his hands at his head.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled, turning bright red.

I knew I liked him before, but oh my God.

"What?..." Naruto froze with a worried look on his face. "I-it's nothing!" I laughed nervously.

"You... Look good." I shook as I said that, immediately regretting it.

No way, he'll totally realize I like him if I say that!


Hope you guys enjoyed.

Have a nice day!

764 words

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