1 "Acquaintance."

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It was the beginning of the twelfth grade. In the morning, at breakfast, my dad encouraged me that the last year of study remained. (I really love school, but I don't like my class. Before high school, I lived in midtown Manhattan. My family is quite wealthy, we had a wonderful apartment with a view of the whole area. Then my father was offered a good deal in London. We had to move.)

A little cheered up, I went to the driver.

– Good morning, Miss Sheyward, — our driver Sam greeted me in a friendly manner.

– Good morning to you too, Sam,— I replied. — How is your family? Like a daughter? Recovering?

– Yes, miss. —Sam smiled and drove off. — All thanks to your family. Ready for the school year?

– Yes, — I answered without enthusiasm. — one more year...

– don't wind yourself up negatively. It reflects on fate.

– really? Will have to remember.

Here we are already on our way.

– stop at the same place as usual? — the driver asked.

– Yes...

The car stopped. Walk five minutes to school. I do this all the time, I like to walk like a normal person.

– bye, Sam, — I said goodbye to the driver getting out of the car.

–Have a nice day, Miss Sheyward.

– and you.

At school, everyone discussed the summer with their gangs. I silently went to my locker, looked at the schedule, now biology, took a book with pancakes about Russian heroes and went to the office. (What if I read it twenty times? I love it.)

I came to class and immediately sat down at my usual place - the last desk near the window. I took out the book and started reading. Later, the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom.

–Good morning, class, — Professor Stay greeted us with a smile. — I'm glad to see you again. Today...

She was interrupted by a knock on the door.

– sorry for being late. May I coming?

In the doorway stood a handsome guy of rather athletic build.

– Are you Mr Hiddleston? — the professor asked with a serious face.

- Yes.

– late, Mr Hiddleston. Our school loves punctuality.

– I'm sorry, professor. This will not happen again.

– hope. Class, this is Mr. Thomas Hiddleston, your new classmate, — the professor briefly introduced him. — It's been five minutes since our lesson. Take a seat next to Miss Sheyward.

Everyone immediately looked at me. Tom smiled and walked towards me.

– “Now things will get even worse,” — I thought, removing my backpack from a nearby chair.

In the eyes of the girls, I already realized that I could not live.

–Well, let’s begin, — the professor finally began. — Today we will have a repetition of the material covered over the past year. You and your partner will have to work together.

She started handing out sheets.

– You are given a lesson for this job. Please don't talk.

She put the sheet on our desk. I immediately read all the assignments and was about to start when I remembered that I was not sitting alone.

– May I read the assignments? — the guy asked.

– Yes, of course, — I filed the sheets. — hold.

– Thanks.

He read the questions.

– If you want, I can decide everything for two, — I finally decided to say.

– but that's not fair.

– I just suggested...

– Have you ever done pair work?

– only if seven years ago.

– hmm... what's your name?

– Are you... wondering what my name is?

– well, yes.

– My name is Maddison, — I said softly. — you can just Maddie.

– nice to meet you.

– nice to meet you too, —I said smiling.

– Let's do this. I solve ten questions and you solve ten questions. Good?

– as you say.

I took one sheet of questions and began to solve. Five minutes and you're done.

- are you done already? — Tom was surprised.

– Yes. Better not get distracted.

Tom didn't answer two questions, so I subtly put in the answers.

– I remind you, — the professor began to say, collecting the work. — how you answered the questions, the couple will have such an assessment.

– Sorry, professor, — Sarah yelled. — but if one partner decided his part correctly, and the second did not, then why will everyone get a bad mark?

– It's a pair job, Miss Vial. You should have discussed issues together.

– Are you good at biology? — Tom suddenly asked me quietly.

– Yes, I am. And what? Are you afraid you will get a bad grade?

– all to be expected.

All this time, I didn't even look him in the eye. They were very beautiful.

– something is wrong?

–No, it’s okay, — I said, looking out the window.


– The lesson is over. Goodbye, guys.

– Goodbye Professor Stay. — they all said in unison.

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