11. "Old friends. Part three."

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New Year's Eve.
An acquaintance of one of our classmates threw a party on the occasion of the new year in a country house. The whole school is invited there. Tom and I also decided to go.

– How many people, — I said, being in shock.

– Have you ever been to a party? — Sarah was surprised.

I silently looked at her.

– ah, exactly...

Behind someone hugged me around the waist and left a kiss on my neck. I turned. It was Tom.

– I'll leave you, — Sarah said with a smile.

– Hello, —Tom said with a sly smile.

– what is the mystery in your eyes?😏

– mystery? This is my usual emotion.

I kissed Tom.

– what is it for?

– just so.😏

– can you do it more often "just so"?

– No. This bonus is valid only once.

– and for me?

– and there is an exception for you.😏

We merged in a long kiss.

After that, we started to have fun: dancing, drinking (soda), etc. After two hours, I was exhausted, and Tom and I decided to relax. We sat on the couch and I lay on Tom's lap. I fell asleep a little.

– there are squirrels on the ground and arrows in the sky... — someone's voice was heard.

I jumped up.

– What happened, Maddie? — Tom was worried.

– you heard?

– what?

– there are squirrels on the ground and arrows in the sky. — said the voice again.

– here again...

– except for music and your voice, I hear nothing else.

I looked down the street.

– I'll be back soon.

I left the house and walked towards the road. From under my skirt I took out a folded bow and one arrow.

The bow straightened, and I pulled the arrow on the string.

– I know you're here...

I shot at the tree. Scarlet came out from behind him. She pulled out an arrow and looked at me.

– What else do you need, Scarlet?

– We were friends after all!

She shot me. I caught the arrow and put it in the tool.

– You betrayed me first.

I fired several shots at the bottom of Scarlet's cloak, and with that I hitched her to a tree. I went to her. She fired her bow, but I dodged.

She's out of arrows. I silently pulled out the arrows that held her and went back.

–Are you... just letting me go?

– well, yes.

– why?

– I don't want to stoop to your level, Scarlet. I'm not a killer...

I moved away a little, and then looked at Scarlet.

– Friendship is more valuable than money. Too bad you can't understand it.

I put all my arsenal back and went into the house. Only a few minutes left before the new year.

– Maddy! Maddy!

– I'm here, Tom.

He ran up to me.

– Why are you so scared? Where have you been?

– so ... I saw old friends.

– everything is fine?

– Yes. Do not worry.

– and so, people, we all come here! — began the owner of the party, collecting people on the street. — There's only a minute left until New Year's Eve! We start the countdown.

Everyone started counting in unison.

– three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

– Happy New Year, Maddy.

– Happy New Year, Tom. May it be as wonderful as the old year.

We kissed and started watching the fireworks.

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