3. "Younger brother."

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Finally we arrived home. In London, we also live in the city center in beautiful large apartments.

– daaad, i'm home.

– Well, where did you go? — came the stepmother's voice on the stairs.

– why do you care? Where is Dad?

– I'm the only one asking questions here.

– seven years of marriage is not yet an indicator that you are the mistress here. Where is Dad?!

– He left, — Marie said with a smirk.

– for a long time?

– it doesn't concern you.

I went to my room and called my dad. He didn't answer. There was a note on the table.

– "daughter, I went to Venice for a couple of days on business. Be smart. With love, dad." — was in the note. — Well, at least he left a note.

I started my lessons, and after that I started to relax.


– Come in, — I called out.

My seven-year-old brother Arthur came into the room.

– what are you doing? — he asked.

– watching TV series. Do you want with me? — I asked smiling.

– Yes!

– sit down.

He sat down on the bed next to me and hugged me. We always watch movies like this.

– Mom scolded you again ..? — Arthur asked softly.

– I don't want to say bad things about your mother in front of you, Arthur. She's just that kind of person.

– she screams at everyone ... I'm afraid of her.

– and yells at you?

He nodded.

– Dad is good, but mom is not…, — Arthur said so quietly that it was barely audible.

His eyes glistened with tears.

– don't cry... I won't let you get hurt.

It was already time for bed.

– Will you sing me a lullaby..?

– your favorite? — I asked with a smile.

– yes ...

– let's go.)

We came to Arthur's room.

– lie down comfortably.

– Will there be pictures?

– ... They will.

I waved my hand and live pictures appeared on the ceiling. They move according to the song. I took the guitar, sat down next to me and started...

(For those interested, the lullaby will be at the end.)

Arthur has already fallen asleep. I kissed him on the forehead and left.

Tom's pov.

All evening I was haunted by thoughts of Maddie. She is very fun and pleasant to talk to. Even a rich life does not spoil it, it remains ordinary.

– tuk tuk, can I?

– Come in, Emma, — I replied smiling.

– You’re kind of mysterious, brother, —she remarked. — Something happened?

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