5. "Something is not good for me..."

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POV Тоm.

– Tom… Tom, wake up, — Emma called softly to me.
– Emma? What happened? — I asked, carefully pulling my hand out from under Maddie.

– It's time for us to go home. We are just waiting for you. Here are the clothes.

– Wait for me five minutes.

Emma is gone. I changed my clothes and was about to leave, but I looked at the still sleeping Maddie. I didn't want to wake her up. I left a note on the table, kissed Maddie and left.

Pov Maddy.

I involuntarily opened my eyes.

– "Where I am?"

Then it dawned on me that this was my room. It's just that I'm lying horizontally on the bed, so the room seems different. On the clock, I saw that it was already one in the afternoon. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and went downstairs.

– Good morning, Miss Sheyward, — a passing servant greeted me.

– good morning ...

I went down to the dining room. Lunch was already ready there.

– Bon appetit, Miss Sheyward.

– thanks... Allison, where is everyone?

– the guests left an hour ago, Mr. Sheyward has just left for the office, Mrs. Sheyward has been at the hairdresser's for two hours already, and Mr. Sheyward Jr. has been in the theater group since morning.

- Yeah got it.

My head didn't work at all. Feeling like I drank yesterday.

– Miss Sheyward, are you all right? —Allison asked worriedly.

– yes... Don't worry...

Allison just took a step, as I just fell unconscious.

— Miss Shayward?

She ran up to me and started looking around.

– Someone, call an ambulance! Miss Sheyward, look at me. Just hold on.

– Allison, call Mr. Sheyward?

– certainly! Have you called an ambulance?

I finally passed out.

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