12. "Long awaited moment."

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Today I woke up in the best mood. March 8th is my birthday. No one and nothing will spoil it!

Dad went to Cambridge with Arthur for his performance in the theater circle. I'm even glad that on my birthday I'm alone at home. I want to spend it with Tom.

To school, I made curls and collected them in a high tail. I also wore beautiful gold stud earrings.

So I got dressed and went downstairs.

I went into the dining room. Firecrackers fired.

– Happy birthday, Miss Shayward! —shouted the happy workers.

– My God. Thank you very much.

I hugged everyone and sat down at the table.

– Mr. Sheyward allowed cake for breakfast today, — William said as he placed the plate of cake on the table. — Bon appetit and happy birthday.

– Thanks. Let everyone in the house taste the cake today, William.

– as you say, Miss Sheyward.

I ate the cake and went to the car.

– Good morning, Miss Sheyward. Happy Birthday.

– Good morning, Sam. Thank you. Happy birthday your wife. Here, give her a present from me. Also, you can go straight home. Spend a day with your family. I'll order a taxi.

– Thank you, Miss Sheyward. You are very kind.

We arrived at the school.

– Have a nice day, Miss Sheyward.

– And you too, Sam. Spend this day with your family.

I came to the school gate. Tom was standing there.

– Hi, — I greeted him cheerfully.

– Hi princess.

We kissed.

– Today is a special day for a special person. And this person deserves a special gift.😏

He took out a small box. There was a ring.

– my God, Tom

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– my God, Tom... Thank you. You are the best.

– I think I deserved something. 😏

I kissed him several times.

– is that enough?

– Yes.

– let's go?

He put the ring on my hand.

– now let's go.

We entered the chemistry class and went to our seats.

– Shit, Sheyward, why are you so smart today? — Sabina said, assessing my appearance with her eyes.

– Thanks for the compliment, Sabina. You look good too. Basically, as usual.

She silently turned away.

– What are your plans for the evening? —Tom asked.

– I wanted to spend it with you.

– Then we'll go to a cafe or something like that. I'm in my car today. You can give your Sam the day off.

– He is resting today. His wife also has a birthday. In recent days, he rarely spends time with his family.

– Well, then swept up.

Professor Vancouver entered the classroom.

– so, guys, you will not have chemistry today. We're all going to math. Come on, come on, call soon.

– why not? What happened to Professor Wets?

– if we ourselves knew, Miss Sheyward. Let's go faster.

I took my backpack and followed the others.

– Aunt Serena didn’t say there would be no lesson… — I whispered to Tom.

– maybe she has some reason and just didn’t have time to tell?

– I hope that everything is fine ...

I called Aunt Serena about twenty times, but she did not answer. This made me even more worried.

After the lessons, Tom and I took a walk in the park and sat in a cafe where we did our homework.

By eight we arrived at my house. Tom left the car in the parking lot and we went up to the apartment.

– It’s such a good evening, I don’t want to end it, — said Tom.

– so stay with me. Dad and Arthur are gone, they left.

– Well, I don't even know.

I kissed him.

– well, maybe.

I kissed again.

– Okay, agreed. Only I have no clothes.

– Let's find something from dad. Let's go.

We entered my room.

– and what are we going to do?😏 — Tom asked sitting down on the bed.

– I do not even know.

I sat down on his lap and started kissing him.

– I got your hint.😏

He started to leave kisses on me, and then he stripped me to the top and started leaving kisses again.

I stripped him down to a beautiful torso, threw him back and hung on top. But Tom easily swapped us.

– How long have I been waiting for this, — Tom said excitedly and undressed me to the end. Then he undressed himself.

A moment, and he entered me. Once, twice, and I began to moan uncontrollably. Tom leaned over and shut me up with a kiss. We played with each other's languages.

In one hour.
Completely tired, we lay down under the covers and fell asleep in our arms.

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