Suga Facts (3)

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41. His habbit is making rhymes in everyday situation (mood maker), over doing gags (jokes), writing lyrics, thinking about what kind of twitter post, speaking in Satoori when he is nervous.

42. Favourite Item is Camera, Electronics, and Accessories.

43. Suga Ideal Type is a girl who likes music especially Hip Hop and a girl who carries fancy headphones. [Behind The Show 140928]
- Suga, "For me, it's not clothes but mine is a little odd.A Hi-Fi (High Fidelity) headphone. A headphone that has high fidelity. Kind of like when you see people carry around expensive electronic devices. When i see a girl with that kind of headphone, like, she attracts me."

44. His role model is Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, Hit Boy.

45. In 10 years, Suga wants dominating the world with his music.

46. Suga wrote the song '촣아요' (Like It) under 40 minutes.

47. Suga really like teasing his dongsaeng.

48. Suga favourite song when karaoke is Kangjin 'Ddaengbul' because he think that song makes up the mood.

49. His image before debut is he started music in 6th grade. In middle school he learned classical composition and started writng songs daily after that.

50. He thinks, he is closer straightforward Gyeongsangdo guy than sweet. But in front of fans, he is a sweet guy.

51. For him, his charm is his eye smile.

52. How he deal with stress is write lyrics crazily. And also relieving his stress with music.

53. When he was angry, Suga likes listening Rick Ross 'Hold Me Back'.

54. He wants to steal the thing that you can't buy with money; Jungkook age.

55. Suga, "If i go back to being 17 years old like maknae Jungkook, i want study. I want to be a good son who doesn't rebel against what his parents tell him."

56. V said the number one who like cook is Suga because he knows how to make really good Kimchi fried rice.

57. Suga became a producer in 2 songs (Jump and Tommorow ) on 2nd Mini Album Skool Luv Affair

58. Suga Favorite Song in 2nd mini album Skool Luv Affair is Tommorow because he wrote a beat and melody for this song.

59. Suga wrote Jump and Tommorow songs when he was trainee.

60. Q) Which outfit concept do u like in the Simulation Love Game? [Kstar Wonderland]

- Suga, "I like a suit the most. Why? Because it's all back to look good as usual. In the fact, because it was suit for the second time in my life, it's really fun."

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