9 || a collection of anti-love songs

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| a collection of anti-love songs

| CHAPTER NINE| a collection of anti-love songs

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"What have you got for me?" Mason asked, sitting across from me in his chair.

"I've got a concept," I told him.

"Awesome!" Mason smiled. I wasn't sure for what though. He hadn't even heard it yet. "You said you couldn't write love songs because you had never been in love. Have you finally gotten over that?"

"Actually, I did exactly the opposite of what you told me to."

Mason laughed as though I'd told him something hilarious. I could see why. Looking back, I'd never gone against his wishes before. I'd followed him blindly for five years, so why would I quit now?

I decided to ignore him. I wasn't going to let him make me doubt myself again.

"The EP is gonna be about how love is overrated. I've written two songs for it so far. And because it's about not falling in love, it'll be called 'A Collection of Anti-Love songs'."

"'A Collection of Anti-Love Songs'?"

"Yeah. I could tell you the context behind it. I can pitch it for you."

He sighed and crossed his fingers on his desk. "Fine. Pitch it. How are you going to sell me these anti-love songs?"

"The first song is about seeing everyone around me get girlfriends and boyfriends. It's about growing up and growing apart. It also talks about the fear I had about growing up. The idea of settling down with someone scared me. I'm not sure about the title yet, but I'm thinking 'Everyone Around Me' because of the chorus. It would be memorable and identifiable."

"Alright," he said, nodding.

"The second and third songs are about trying to find love. It's basically how I felt about every girl I've dated so far. About how I was so confused and can't tell platonic from romantic feelings. It's about figuring myself out.

"And then there's the last one. It's about... acceptance, I guess. If I never fall in love, that's fine. If I ever do, that's alright too."

Mason nodded, quiet for a few seconds before he took a deep breath. "You're not gay, are you?"

I physically felt myself sit straighter in my chair. "What?"

"Because that's what they're gonna think. I wanted girls to get the feeling you were attainable for them. I want them to feel like they could one day be your girlfriend. This is going to do the exact opposite."

"Even if I were..." if I were what, exactly? Normal? "I'd never date a fan."

"But they don't have to know that."

"I'm not writing a song that does not come from the heart."

"Stop being dramatic. You're almost twenty years old."

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