Chapter 6

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Greyback – Boy, stay away from the pack. Only walk on the outskirts of the territory but not to the edge or else you will be killed on impact. Your white fur will attract the female but be very careful. Potter with his rank and temper can be very possessive of his mate. Show weakness and submit to him if he challenges you. Don't engage in a fight. You understand.

Narcissa – Greyback is correct Draco. Follow at a distance, don't catch Harry's attention, and don't challenge him. Submit to the lowest form if you have to, shift human if that will convince Harry to let you live. Be careful dear.

Draco nods afraid for his life more than the dark lord ever scared him before he shifts and runs back to find the Black Pack once more. Many wish him luck on his way. Tom Riddle on the other hand watches with no emotion. The boy better not fail him.

Draco is quick in finding the Black Pack once more. Luckily, he caught up when they were on the move. He full-on runs while they were trotting along the path leading to another area. Harry and his mate are in the front while the alpha is in the back. The pups and females are behind the female Ultima. The males surround them creating a barrier.

All the way to a spring they finally stop. The pack disperses to find a nice spot to rest for the night. Draco's eyes follow the Ultima female and Harry's stick by each other side. He, though, doesn't have to move for the female to smell the air and their eyes meet. His gold eyes gaze into her amber eyes. The Black pack is known for their gold eyes turning red in rage. The female Ultima hold eyes that shine with both colors of fire and gold.

K – Harry, there he is. The white wolf. I knew there was one following.

H - *glances over Kia's head and sees the white wolf. Almost the same height as he is. Harry's gut twists in defense of another male that can replace him.* I would never doubt you but then again you never were wrong.

K – May I go speak with him?

H - *small growls rumble in his throat before giving in. Harry trusts Kia more than anyone and holding her back from doing her task in the pack will surely get his ear bitten off.* Sure.

The female stands and begin to walk over to the newcomer. She hears Harry bark for a few betas to come over and stand by her side. As Kia approaches, the white wolf bends down in submission. Wise decision.

K – What is a white wolf like you doing here? You should be up north.

Draco – I lost my pack and haven't been able to learn how to track well. I saw you guys and wanted to ask for some help.

K – You will have to speak to my mate about that.

Draco – But a-aren't you the female Ultima? You surely have your own decisions to make instead of always following your mate.

K - *taking some offense growls with ears back* Are you saying I am a slut?

Draco - *rolls on his back with paw near his muzzle* No, I just thought...sorry. Never mind, forgive me.

K - *pulling back her power* The major decision like bringing in a newcomer such as yourself falls onto my husband, not on me. I make the decisions within the pack. Understand?

Draco – Yes. I'm sorry.

Kia huffs at the wolf before trotting over to Harry and discussing with him what she gathered. Harry reading her mind within their connection recognizes that voice. Growling, he trots over, eyes flashing red with anger in recognizing that male. More black wolves join the female betas for defense with their leader. Kia follows but stays behind Harry preferring the defense he provides.

HP – Draco! What are you doing here?

K - *confused* You know him?

HP - *glances over to her and shows her all the memories he has of Hogwarts and who this white wolf is* Yeah. *He turns back to look at Draco's submissive form* and you are not welcomed here. Go back to the death eaters and tell your master that he has my permission to take over the wizarding world. I am not interested in this whole fighting thing he has going on. So, scram!

Draco scrambles to his feet faster than the speed of light before running off. His submissive part whimpered at the powerful dominance Harry extinguished off his body. One thing for sure is that Harry Potter has changed into a powerful being that he or anybody expected. Even as Draco is of alpha blood in his wolf form, he doesn't have the force Harry carries with him. Draco chooses mind of matter in staying clear of any fight Harry might challenge him for.

The alpha comes over after the scene and asks to discuss something with Harry and Kia. They walk off to a secret place secluded by the trees. Alpha sits down with the two before talking.

A - That display of power you have shown Harry indicates that it is time for you to turn into your full Ultima wolf form. Be among the Black wolves properly.

K – You mean there is more to this title than just position. There is a form.

A – Yes but the process was never done because it is a delicate thing that nobody will want to do.

HP – What is the process? *his voice is still thick, swirling with his power. He gets an immediate whiff of the arousal his mate feels with his voice thick with power. Harry smirks in his mind glad for the effect he has on her.*

A – For one week, Kia and you must be in constant heat mating with all Black Wolf males and females, gaining their power. The end result is when you two mate, after the pack mated with the opposite sex, the red moon will grant you the power of the Black Wolf. Immortality by Fenrir and strength, the death and powerful killing ability by the grim.

HP – You mean to say. For a week, I will be mating with all the females while Kia is mating with all the males before the red moon. Then when the red moon rises, we mate with each other and that is when we become the form you are telling us about?

A – Yes.

Harry and Alpha glance over to Kia who has been silent the whole time. Kia looks at the males before looking at Harry. Surety in both their eyes sends the message loud and clear. They will do it.

HP – When do we start?

A – Tonight. The females will bring you Harry to a spot for a whole week while the males will bring Kia to a spot for the whole week. You both will be separated but the distance isn't far enough to kill your bond.

That is when the pack emerges, and the process begins. The Black pack is shy in mating with the young wolves that aren't their own mates but they are desperate enough for a true leader that they are willing to do what is necessary. 

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