The princess in black

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(By the way Y/n is know as the princess in black)


I was standing in my spot on the stage, there was a new threat and I've been needing to go out more to do my ninja deeds. With the ninja here I would have a harder time doing that, so when my sister suggested it in an instant I declined but my parents think it's a great idea so they set up a plan and I have to play along with it while my adoptive dad was announcing his speech

Then since I still had my com on I heard Nya ask "I don't like this one bit. If the royal family likes their privacy, why give such a public speech?"

"I think it's nice to reach out to the people." Jay comments

"Why all the hate sis? You just don't like getting gussied up" Kai smirks

"All this gold and glitter for show. The royal family's are figureheads" She replied "They don't have any real power, what purpose do they have?"

That's when Zane speaks up "their purpose is to be protected, as do all our traditions. I believe master Lloyd has spotted something of interest"

That's when Kai says cockily "looks like he's got an eye for the princess in black" and knowing where they all are I look towards Lloyd to see him a little wide eyed I just sigh and look back at my dad

"Ha, who would of knew black and green" Jay jokes

That's when Lloyd gets refocused and asked "you do know I can hear you, right? The emperor is almost finished, let's just do our job"

As the crowd is cheering at the end of my dads speech Lloyd speaks up again "Be on the lookout" Then all of a sudden the plan was put into place


I get tackled by Lloyd and as he did, he takes my mom and sister down with us

"Is the threat clear?" The green eyed boy asked holding a hand to the side of his head to talk into his com

That's when I hear Nya report "huh firecrackers, false alarm" After he helped us up I gave him a little nod, then walked away

Lloyd's POV

I stand there as my team comes to me to regroup, and as they did, the guy with the funny looking helmet came up to us and said "You protected the royal family. You have their gratitude, you are invited to be guests in the palace" thats when Jay being Jay said "heh no one ever gets invited into the palace. Are you sure they meant us?"

"It's just a palace. Once you've seen one you've seen 'em all" Nya says nonchalantly

"We'd be honored" I say gratefully with a bow

Later that night


After hours of people putting make-up on me and fixing up my dress they're finally done

"Why do I have to do this?" I asked slouching on my thrown

"Please do your very best to behave" mom said

And I just huff "That includes sitting up straight" my dad adds

I don't say anything just sit up with my knees supporting my elbows and my legs wide. My parents just sigh and sit down. After what felt like forever the ninja came in the door

"I present to you the exalted Emperor and Empress of ninjago" Hutchins introduced

"And their daughters the Jade Princesses, Princess Harumi and Princess Y/n or known as, The Princess in Black"

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