the mask of hatred

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me, harumi and Lloyd where running away from a freaked dinosaur!!! I thought those things where extinct. I was running ahead and chopping branches out the way, my leg hurt like hell and I managed to twist my wrist to so thats fun then all of a sudden the three of us fell into a crack in the ground and I put my hand to my mouth signaling to be quiet and rumi lot out a loud sigh and I smacked her in the face the look on her face I will never forget I buried my face in lloyds sholder to stop me from making a sound after the dinosaur walk away I was shaking and when I knew it was far enough I let out the loudest laugh I have ever. and I and rumi where crushing our stomachs because of how hard we where laughing

"ok ok but you almost got us caught" Lloyd said getting out of the crack

then I pull myself up and help harumi up and I say "well these are times I'm never gonna forget" I say and hug harumi

"me either" she says but she sound more sad but I shrug it off

"oh my god y/n I knew you where cut but you leg looks broken and your wrist is I don't even know sit down" Lloyd says with worry

"I'm fine look s- ahhhh" I say as I try to show him I can walk but I end up falling at his feet and he gives me a 'really look'

"I'm fine, the streams up ahead I should lead us where we need to go" I say

"and we need to keep moving or the sons  of garmadon could get to the mask first" I finish as I get my sword out again and start to move again

lloyds POV

I just sigh at Y/ns stubbornness

"she's tough, brave, stubborn, and I admire that about her, you seen what she was like when Zane was hurt .she always puts herself last and puts her friends and friends needs/wants first" harumi say as I walk next to her

"yeah, she's that one person that you can rely on for anything. but that also makes me worry about her you see her she must be in pain I can't imagine to be in, but shes pushing through it to protect all of ninjago sometimes I wonder if I could ever be as tough and brave as she is" I say like I know I'm the green ninja but I feel a step lower from her

"trust me she feels the same way or even lower, she sees herself as someone that can't do anything right, as someone who's weak so she's put in her all even when it come to the littlest things" rumi replies

"Yeah she has you though for support" I say with a small smile

"she has you to even though she had a bad past she doesn't let that hold her back please I know that you a good person for her please promise to look after her if I'm not there" she asked holding my wrist

"of course" I say and we continue walking

Y/ns POV

"stuck in a palace all your life, did you ever think you'd end up in a place like this" Lloyd asked me

"I never thought I would be in a jungle period" I say with a chuckle

"so according this where almost to the black river. just have to get pasted this part that reads stranglers path" Lloyd say

"wonder why its called that, let me see" I ask and he shows me the map and I have to get down really close to see it but its still blurry

"rumi does this say what he said" I ask and she just glanced at it and said a simple 'yep'

"wait, can you not see that" he ask in shock and I laughed at his face

"I got really bad vision" I say and turn around to continue when I see Lloyd out off the corner of my eye getting taken away by a vine

"shit" I say and run after him the vine was fast but I was faster with dust blocking my vision I finally see the tree and I see it was about to take Lloyd when I mentally said ' fuck it' and I throw the sword on the vine and it lets go and left a shocked Lloyd

"but- how di- what ju- where did you learn to throw a sword like that thats like a life time worth of practice" Lloyd asked

"luck I guess, you arm seems fine, now we know why they call it stranglers path" I say

"are you ok Lloyd" rums asked as she just got there

"yep now come on lets get back to walking" Lloyd says and I nod and get started

time skip

I keep cutting vines until I see the son of garmadon symbol on a wooden boat in the water

"uhm Lloyd" I call out and he mumbles something under his breath and he hopes on the boat and I intertwine my finders and use it as a boost for rumi then pull myself up

"is anyone there?" I ask

"no its abandoned" Lloyd say as he looks further

"the same map" I say as I see It on a bench in the boat

"I thought no one knew where the oni temple was located" rumi said

"so when are there two maps" Lloyd asked

"the quiet one must of sent out an expedition looking for the temple " I concluded

"doesn't look like they made it very far" rums said

"yeah but where did they go, what happened to them" Lloyd asked wanting answers

"maybe we'll  have better luck" I say picking up the key that was next to the map and walk over to the wheel and put the key in the ignition and it doesn't want to start at first but after a few tries I did it

"im starting to think that we are good luck together" Lloyd says appearing behind me then going around and taking a stick and using it to give the boat more control with me behind the wheel

time skip

after  while of Lloyd making sure we didn't hit anything and how deep the water was he suddenly says "stop the boat"

"thats not ro-" but before he could Finnish his stick was taken away from him and he run back and forth on the boat before he says

"start the engine" he says and I put it on max

"rums get the wheel" I say and once she does I get hutchins sword and  start to stab at the creature in the water

"shit, the current is pulling us away" I say as the 'thing ' swam off

''it swam off almost as if something scary it" Lloyd said

"but what" I ask before he gets thrown to the wall and slid to the flour and then I realized there was  FUCKING WATERFALL

"hold on to something!" I yell and run over to harumi and hug her to me while holding onto a pillar ...then ....we fell

the air was filled with our screams of terror as we fell down this beautiful sight that turned into may reasons of death.. then we hit the water I shut my eyes and when I open them I was surrounded with bubbles popping before my eyes as I hug rums waist to keep her close I swam up to the surface

and grab lloyds waist and dragged him to the shore as they both collapsed to the flour I stood up and looked around out of breath

and see...

"Lloyd, rumi we made it" I say

"yeah barely " rumi says

"no to the temple look" I say and put my hands in front of me indicating where I wanted them to look and we all admire it and begin to walk towards it

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