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William rinsed his cut-throat razor in the water before running a towel over his face, he'd neatened up the sides of his beard and trimmed it a little with the scissors. He trimmed his hair and tied it back in a ribbon before looking at himself in the mirror "My William, what an effort" He spoke to himself before smiling at his reflection in the mirror. But as he dressed, he thought of Emily. Would she forgive him? She did want him to find happiness...

With a sigh, William pulled on his boots and made his way down to the dining room. It was a Sunday, this meant that Eliza and Arthur would be going to church. This meant that William had a few hours to himself as he didn't attend with them. They should be back by now though. And they were.

Arthur stood up and rushed over and pulled him into a hug "We're having roast beef for dinner Will!" He gleamed and squeezed him once again.

"Arthur, leave the man alone" Eliza looked over her shoulder at William and offered a small smile "Good morning Mister Thorne"

"Good morning Eliza" William's lips lifted slightly as he spoke "Did you sleep well?"

"very well, thank you" Her cheeks sported a slight pink so she looked back at Arthur "go on, change out of your best so we can go to the lake"

"Yes ma" Arthur quickly dashed up the stairs and into his room.

"would you care to join me, well Arthur and I" Eliza asked as she got up from the sofa "It's the last Sunday of the month, I always take him, it'd be nice to have some company though" As she spoke, she walked towards him before leaning against the back of the settee.

"It'd cost you" he smirked slightly as he leaned against the banister.


"It'd cost you" William repeated before looking into her eyes "Just one kiss" He spoke before walking up to her until they were mere inches apart. Eliza went a bright red before clutching onto his waistcoat "that's all it will cost...one kiss"

She stood on her tip toes and softly kissed his lips. William wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her a little bit closer. Eliza smiled into the kiss before mumbling "Make that two" he let out a soft chuckle before pressing his lips back to hers. She gave him one last peck before pulling away from him "So you're coming to the lake then?"

"Of course, it'll be nice to spend some time with you and Arthur" He smirked before giving her a quick kiss "Especially you"

"Maybe afterwards, we can spend some time together, just you and I?"

"Yes, I mean, it'll be nice to have some company"


By mid-afternoon, William and Arthur were standing on the edge the lake. he had one had around his front so he didn't fall in.

"So you throw the stone like this" William took a hold of Arthur's hand and helped him skim his first rock "Just like that little man, well done!" He laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Are you both enjoying yourself?" Eliza asked as she walked over to them both, carrying a few flowers tied together with some string. She shot William a smile before walking up to him "I see that your shirt is mucky Arty"

"I got some mud on me whilst collecting stones, sorry ma..." Arthur walked away from them both before kneeling down next to the water.

William rolled his eyes before looking down at his rather muddy boots "it was my fault really, he wanted me to teach him something"

"I understand, it's rather adorable to be honest" Eliza smiled before walking up to him "What do you think of these for the table? They're Marigolds and lavender, a beautiful contrast of colours, wouldn't you say?"

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