Chapter Twelve

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Solaris growled and paced back and forth in front of the many rows of soldiers. Her green eyes suddenly shifted over to the front row and she stopped dead in her tracks.
There's so many of them.
They all watched her anxiously, as if she were about to hurt each and every one of them.
She turned her entire body to face them now. She took a deep breath and roared out so that everyone could hear her.
Immediately they tensed, straightened up, and continued to watch her. All talk ceased in one swift wave.
Solaris continued with a slightly quieter voice; a voice that still boomed across the ranks and drilled into everyone's ears.
"As you can all see, General Siege is no longer here. He had to leave for a while on official business."
Everyone watched her with mixed expressions.
Some seemed relieved that he was gone, while others who seemed more practical just watched her with an intense gaze. They knew that she wouldn't go easy on them; not having Siege around wouldn't change anything.
A young soldier came up to her from the front row, his eyes bright and curious. All of the soldiers tensed up even more as they watched him walk towards her. They all knew he was young... he was the perfect example of innocence.
"What is the official business that Siege is taking care of?" he asked.
Solaris eyed the young soldier carefully. She could tell that he was pleased with himself for standing up to her and questioning her. He thought it was bravery, but, in reality, it was only pure stupidity.
"That," she growled, " is none of your business, hatchling. Now go back to your line and be quiet."
The soldier seemed stunned at the sudden comment and he didn't do as he was instructed.
Solaris hesitated for a split second. She hated making an example out of young dragons, but someone had to do it.
She lunged forward and grabbed one of his neck spikes. He screeched and she twisted his neck around at an odd angle. Then she forced his head down onto the dirt and she kept him pinned to the ground.
"Have you learned your lesson?!" she hissed.
"Yes!" he cried, " Yes I have, General Solaris!"
"Good," she hissed, "Now get out of my sight."
She shoved his head back and he stumbled over to his place in the front row.
Her eyes wandered over the soldiers again, scanning the ranks for any reactions.
Some shifted under her gaze while others just glared back. She wasn't surprised; she was used to spiteful looks by now.
"Does anyone else want to question me?"
No one made a sound.
She smiled, her razor fangs on full display.
"Good... I'm glad we're getting along.
Now, let's train!"
She motioned for the front row to come forward.
They walked towards her in perfect unison, their heads high and their steps proud. They moved as if they were one massive creature; a deadly monster ready for blood.
They stopped and she nodded once.
"Great technique. We must seem as one unit, one sole being. It is intimidating. It is deadly."
Suddenly she raised her hand and almost all of them were thrown off their feet in a second.
Two dragons remained upright; a grey female and a green male.
She walked up to the grey female, her eyes searching for signs of weakness.
The female did not budge.
A proud smirk danced across Solaris's lips and she buffeted the other dragon with her wing.
"Good work, soldier."
She turned to the green dragon and did the same thing.
"... and to you as well. You've both done a fine job."
She turned her attention to the slightly dazed dragons who were back on their feet.
"All of you must be prepared for a magic-based attack at any moment during the battle. The pegasus race may be smaller, and most of them may be physically weaker, but their magical skill set is deadly if used properly."
The young dragon that faced her earlier listened to her in awe while the older dragons just looked away. They knew all too well what could be done with that much magic power.
"I will try to train you as well as I can when it comes to defending yourself, but I cannot help you in the heat of battle. You must always keep your senses sharp and keep your wits about you... otherwise you will die."
"So in this short span of time I have with all of you I will work to strengthen your mind, body, and skills to hone you all into perfect killing machines."
Her heart skipped a beat when the soldiers smiled at her; eager, sadistic smiles that sent shivers down her spine and made her insides churn.
She found the strength to smile right back at them, the scales all over her body bristling and her tail twitching anxiously back and forth.
She continued with confidence, knowing that she had their utmost attention now.
"Let's get started."

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