part 2 to day 2 & Day 3

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Overhaul POV : Kurono was still pouting over the fact that I had made him get rid  of his stuffed animals. He was on his bed head pushed way down into the pillow . Bunny we had to move some of them you had way too many. He didn't look at me but I could here mubbling. Bunny sit up and talk to me I can't hear you , I said as I took a seat in the edge of his bed. He moved his head up just enough and said, Go away you stuffie hater. No I will not leave my little baby alone. I will stay here until you quit being a brat and look at me. In response he picked his head up with red eyes (from crying) said I'm not a brat ! He was still hanging onto one his plushie it was a 15 inch grey bear with blue buttons and a maids dress aka Cloudy. I looked him dead in they eyes and told him in a threatening voice do not speak back to me. He spun around and face planted back into the pillow. Let's go , I said as I got up pulling him by his arm. It's 9:57 we need to eat dinner . He got up gently placed his bear on the bed tucked it in and wiped his eyes. Okay ,he said as he took my hand .  We got to the kitchen where everyone else was , it was Setsunos turn to cook he had made chicken and corn on the cob. After we ate Kurono went and played a game with the others.

I decided to suprise him with a little treat I went to his room and got his favorite sleep hoodie and other clothes ( socks , underwear , shorts) I set them on his bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and added a vinnila bathbomb and bubbles his favorite thing. I then went and got him from the game table whitch he wasn't too happy about he was still mad . Bunny look I said as I removed my hands from his face . His eyes lit up with joy as he looked at the tub of bubbles and vinnila scents. I leave you be you have 45 minutes and I want you in your room okay ? He nodded in response. And with that I left.

Hari Kurono POV : Kai had left me in the room and I quickly decided to "jump" in. I had a good time relaxing after he had just made me get rid of my plushies. Then I realized... I didn't have any clothes in here with me. Oh frick I said out loud as I pulled the drain I was done anyways so I wrapped myself in my towel (like how kids do hugging it around themselves ) and I walked out to see my boyfriend of 6 years sitting on my bed . Y- you forgot to give me my clothes... Oh I didn't forget but come here for a minute I did as told and sat down the grin on his face made want to cry again.     (   NOT I REPEAT NOT SMUT    )
Oh bunny no need to look worried he said pushing me onto my bed and moving my towel out of his way. Oh come on now you look so flustered wouldnt be the first time I saw you with no clothes on. (Kuronos face rn = 😖 with intense blush)

Overhaul POV : I watched as Kurono tried to cover his face and body with his towel. Silly move your arms I said as I  laughed under my breath. No ! He yelled as I moved his arms again. Bunny just stay still okay ? He nodded yes as a shy and worried look came across his face. I quickly put his underwear and shorts on him. W-what ? Well did you think I was going to $exually hurt you , you know I wouldn't bunny only a snack on the ass for being bad. He slowly nodded as I pulled his up so he was sitting. Arms up baby and he did as told , I put his hoodie on him and he smiled cutely. But now it's time for bed I told him his face quickly turning to a frown, but suppressed as I picked him up and moved the blanket. Let go , I told Kurono as he clung to me instead of falling to his bed. Nu. Baby please don't use the silly brat talk. I sat him down and he just crossed his arms. Okay well goodnight my bunny I said as I kissed his lips. Goodnight he said as I separated from him. I walked away and went to my room and fell asleep after a quick shower.

  Day 3 sorry day 2 was so long

Overhaul POV : I went to wake up Kurono but when I went to his room he was already dressed.  It was so cute to me how my baby goes from cute happy shy and cuddly an did bad crying and pouting to a whole different person ready to kill people.  Good morning I said to my now kick ass boyfriend. Hello ! He said in his normal happy voice. We talked for a bit then headed off.   I was in my office for a whole 3 hours and 27 minutes before I got a text from the GC

  Yakuza Group Chat BullShitz

Hejiki Tengai : Don't we have a meeting in a bit ?

Hari Kurono : Yep we do 🤦‍♂️

Kendo Rappa : Fuck that 🙄

Overhaul : We have a meeting about 15 minutes yes , so I need everyone down in my office soon as early as 5 minutes like always.

Shin Nemoto : Yes sir.

Deidoro Sakakai : How long will this meeting be???

Tabe : Probably about an 1 or 3 like always lol

Hojo : .... 3 FUCKING HOURS ?! since when ?!

Tabe : ... Oh shit lol meant 2 hours

Hejiki Tengai : 🙄 stupid bitch.

Shin Nemoto : 😳 since when does he curse ?!

Kendo Rappa : 😳idk

Hari Kurono : 🤫🤫🤫 Never f-ing happened Baiiiii

  Hari Kurono us now offline.

Tabe : he just disappeared like Toyas  wife lmao.

Toya Setsuno : .... 😡🤬

Hari Kurono is back online

Hari Kurono : ☕🍿😯 Don't mind me.

Tabe : bish I didnt mean it also Kurono never use thos again lamo 🤣

Hari Kurono :  I didn't ask you for a glass of opinion but for a cup of DRAMA !

Toya Setsuno : Bruh we weren't really finna fight..

Hari Kurono is now offline 😋

@Everyone : 🤣🤣🤣

End of GC

Hari Kurono POV: Heeey baby ! Hush he said as he was playing a game on his phone while waiting for the meeting. You know instead of a game you could play me , I said as I took a seat in his lap. Haha nice try bunny , but maybe later right now we have a meeting to get to so please get up . Hmmm nah I said as I wiggled closer and grabbed around his neck and kissed him. So you want to be bad now ? You can join the meeting in tears and pain. .... No thank you ! I said as I quickly jumped from my boyfriend's lap. Aww silly bunny , but thank you for getting up. Your welcome I guess. Now now don't be a brat. I'm not , I sorta yelled as I stomped my foot at him. Watch it I can still smack you a few times before tears hit , He snapped back at me. No thank you and I'm sorry , I said before he had to remind/tell me to apoligise whitch was never a good thing.

After the meeting was over I'm lazy get over it 😋 plus this is already 1288 words long.

Kuronos POV : The meeting had finished and everyone left but I had to stay to count money. I did so and came up with ¥50,974 Kai wrote that down as I told him. Sooo can I please sit with you now I was giving it my all even the puppy dog eyes! Ha ha no bunny not right now I have a meeting to join tKe these and go sit like a good boy. I did so and sat down , Kais call started and just as I finished and put them in the desk I heard , You know for a Mafia Boss your pretty cute we can do other buissnes later. Without a moment of thinking I had my white surgical mask off and hood , jumped into his lap causing the lady to yelp in suprise and I kissed him. I kissed my boss on camera durring a meeting. I was going to have handprints on my ass for weeks. I didn't care though it just felt so right.  The lady was embarrassed as hell and I moved so I could see the screen too. I just wanna join in the meeting don't mind me! After the call ended Kai made me get up ... oops Kurono what were you thinking ? N nothing u said as shame and worry mixed  into my voice. But he hugged me.. Don't think your off the hook like this bunny I'm going to start punishing you at the end of the week (Fridays) so you have weekends to recover from it. Oh shoot I thought to myself. The day went in as normal I finished work we all ate dinner and talked a bit we played a boardgame and me and Kai along with a few others went to our rooms , I watched tiktoks as he was flipping into book.

Good night but quick questions 1. Do you like reading the overhaul punishing Kurono scenes ?

2. Do you think his rules for Kurono are fair or does he get punished too much ?

3. What should the next thing Kurono gets punished for ?

4. Should I make a different book for the Group Chat ? Yes or No ?

5. What would you think if Kurono called overhaul daddy 1 time? Just one I swear please answer

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