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"Okay, is that it, dude?" I cross my arms over my chest as I look at the shower that Brooks said he wasn't able to turn on. It actually was able to turn it on, he was just turning it the wrong way and only cold water coming out– which to Brooks meant it was broken.

In reality, it seemed a little more nuanced than that, and he just wanted attention from me for a second. He asked me about washing his uniform for practice tomorrow, the weather that tomorrow would bring as he picked out clothes for the next day, and if I thought that aliens were real– which I didn't entertain, because it was a much more broad conversation that we could have at a later time.

I tried my hardest to answer every question delicately, but quickly.

I knelt down to stand in front of him as he pushed the curls out of his face. The curls were definitely genetic and reminded me how much we emulated each other; everyone told us how much we looked alike, and the older he got, the more I saw it. Brooks was such a good kid, always trying to do the right thing by everyone else. He left his heart on his sleeve, and I couldn't have looked at him with any more admiration.

I knew that he didn't have a dad– not one worth mentioning. But I wanted him to grow up compassionate and able to stand up for people. I wanted him to love people for who they were and wanted to be, not how others saw them. He had so many friends, so many people who loved his company.

In society today, I'm glad I'm a part of such a strong dude's life. He's awesome.

"Bud, I have a friend over, okay? Her and I are going to hang out alone for a little bit, so if you need anything, can you please ask your sister? If it's an emergency, I'll just be downstairs in the music room."

"Is Daisy your friend?" He asked me, tilting his head at the question like he wasn't sure what kind of answer I would give him.

The smile crosses my face as he asks it, "Yeah, she's my friend. Why?"

He giggles a little bit, throwing his head back and covering his mouth as he does so. The smile remains on my face, but I feel a bit of confusion on why he's asking.

"I have a secret." He says the statement a bit shyly, rubbing his eyes to try and hide from me as I continued to look at him. Lottie gave him soda tonight with dinner, which meant that a bit of hyperactivity was usually common at this hour.

I lean a bit forward, pulling at my ear a bit so I can listen, "You can tell me your secret, if you want."

He puts his hands up to my ear as he continues to giggle, but leans on me for a second.

"I think Daisy is pretty."

I pull back with wide eyes, a bit of a gasp leaves my lips as he turns super shy on me. We're on eye level, he digs his head into my shoulder, rolling his head around as I start to push him back now that I've embarrassed him a bit.

"Can I tell you a secret, Brooksy?" I ask him, he covers his face with his hand before nodding at me. I move to do the same motion, my hand up to his ear to whisper the secret that had been sitting on my chest. Secrets didn't usually last long with Brooks, but I figured that this would be an okay one for him to have. It wouldn't necessarily be a secret for very long, anyways.

I whisper into his ear, "I have a crush on Daisy."

Brooks puts his hand over his mouth, gasping as if it's the most shocking news that he's ever heard in his life. My eyes are wide at him, the biggest smile emerging on my face as I watch his reaction.

"I'll keep your secret safe and sound, H." He tells me, before I stand up again, stretching out my arm to give him a fist bump.

"Thanks, B. Now, get your things done. Remember, bother your sister, not me." I tell him before I start to leave the bathroom in the hallway that the kids have to share. If I had planned better, Lottie could have my room, which has an on-suite bathroom, because her need for the bathroom is much stronger than Brooks or I's. It's a nightmare to have her get ready in the morning or at night when both of them have to use it at the same time.

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