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tw: abandonment mention

this is part of a double update; read chapter 11 first!


"I think we kind of missed the sunset." I turn towards Harry who's laying on his side, holding himself up with his elbow as he stares at the horizon line. The bottom of his glass has remnants of red wine that he seemed to take down quite quickly.

    I guess a long day of work would do that to you.

    He pursed his lips out gently before turning towards me, "What gives you that impression?"

    "The moonlight on the water might be a bit of a give away."

    We had missed the sunset by just a few minutes due to Harry having to run around and grab a few extra things to make this perfect. He demanded that he grab a few blankets from his car, an extra sweatshirt in case we got cold, and he said that he had to change his shirt because apparently it 'smelled like kitchen'. He decided on one that had the Harley-Davidson logo on the front, which made his torso long and broad.

    Everything about this date was extremely endearing, and I loved that he cared enough to make it special, even when we didn't plan for anything special. It was the effort and attention to detail to want to make this a full, proper date.

    I seemed to tear up a bit when he asked at first. After talking with my sister, this is what I wanted to convey to her. This is what I wanted, and what I knew that I deserved, but something about her words always got in the way of that.

    "Ah, I see that now. At least the moon looks nice." A bit of a chuckle left his lips as his head turned towards me. When our eyes meet, he tilts his head a bit, sitting up.

    "You cold, darling?"

    We were sitting in the middle of the beach– a small blanket folded out into a square so that we could sit, and a few small dishes Harry said the chefs had surprised him with. They were delicious, and my appetite had seemed to come back after the conversation with my sister.

    I didn't want to bug him or tell him about it, because I knew that it would hurt his feelings. It just didn't feel right to me to continue to have thoughts about that situation, when really, this was what I was most looking forward to that day.

    The sentiment was what mattered most to me– I didn't care what it was. I had never had someone be so thoughtful on only the third date, in my entire dating life. I had guys forget our anniversaries and my birthday more frequently than they were able to pull something like this together.

It was a bit of a foggy evening over the water, but the sky above us was clear. Every star in the sky could be seen the further down we went from the restaurant. It led directly to the beach from the patio, and Harry insisted that we could set up a small picnic down there.

    His exact words were, 'we don't have to worry about getting caught here', which I found to be a bit funny.

    I know that he asked the question because I had been moving my hands over my arms, and I didn't realize I had been doing it until he asked.

    "I'm a little chilly, it's not–"

    Before I finish my sentence, Harry pulls the other blankets out from its fold to pull and put it around my shoulders. It's a bit of a quilted blanket, a little smaller than the one that we were laying on.

    "Mind if I crawl in there with you?" His words were a bit mumbled as I caught his eyes in the moonlight glare.

    "No, of course not, get in here," I open the blanket from my arm as he crawls closer, trying to not get sand everywhere. Once he's in, we decide it might be best if we were to just lay down to stop the pull of the blanket. Being close was always the best option, with us.

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