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My gaze stayed on her legs as she bounced on the balls of her feet up the stairs.

I can't help but notice the way that her hips sway when she walks, like she's teasing me just by the small movements of her body that can't do anything but create an aching feeling in my abdomen.

The door closes behind me, my hands reaching for the lock and immediately turning it. I hadn't remembered a time when I wanted someone so bad that it ached. But watching Daisy in her small skirt, the tops of her thighs on display were delectable and sweet.

My memory guided me to remember the way that she tasted, the way that her legs gripped against me when my tongue flicked against her. Her back arching off the bed, the way that her fingers gripped at her sheets. It was my favorite memory. The way that she responded to my mouth was enough to send me over the edge without any touch; I only needed to watch her wiggle against me, high pitched whimpers leaving her cherry red lips.

I had been with women before Daisy, but I could never be with another woman after Daisy. It was the way she didn't really know what she wanted in the bedroom, she was young and not as experienced, but when she felt what she wanted, she responded with the sound of angels.

I was a bit apprehensive at first– with her. I needed to know that this was going to work out, because I couldn't give my all just to be broken again. There were already too many jagged edges, and my heart couldn't handle more. But I was ready to give myself to her in any way she wanted me, because I trusted that she would secure my heart. Or, at least, she'd pad it if she were to ever drop it.

I don't believe that Daisy would ever drop my heart on purpose, and something about that was secure enough for me.

She sat on the bed, her legs crossed over each other as her hands fanned out to her sides. Her palms held her up as she looked at me with the largest doe eyes I'd ever seen. It was almost like the teasing that she'd done was subconscious and she didn't recognize that I could easily flip her over and have my way with her.

But I knew she'd like that too much.

The tip of her tongue flicked out against her lip before she pushed her chest out a little bit, her head lolling on her shoulder when she recognized me gawking at her.

"So demanding downstairs and now you look like a lost pup. Need help knowing where to start?"

My tongue poked at the corner of my mouth before I let out a small chuckle, a pitied chuckle at her assumption that I was lost.

More like lost in thought of her.

"Don't need help, trust me," I walked over to where she sat, her posture sitting up a bit as I approached her. Her legs uncrossed, and I pushed my foot between her calves so that I was able to stand between her legs. My thigh pushed her own thighs open wider before her eyes were now level with my hips.

I looked down at her, her lips parted a bit. My hand guided its way to grip along her jaw; my thumb pushing down on the pout of her bottom lip, dragging it slowly as she shut her eyes in anticipation.

An animalistic reaction to staring at her was kicking in and I wasn't able to contain it any longer. There weren't many words, many sensations or actions that I could describe what I wanted to do with her.

"All fours, on the bed."

    Her eyes opened with a bit of flutter before she nodded and moved to turn onto the bed. She moved up towards the headboard, she moved down to her elbows, her ass on full display behind her.

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